implementation "com.github.skgmn:composetooltip:0.2.0"
can be either used inside ConstraintLayout or displayed as a popup.
ConstraintLayout {
val someImage = createRef()
painter = painterResource(R.drawable.some_image),
contentDescription = "Some image"
modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(someImage) {
// Place it where you want
anchor = someImage,
anchorEdge = AnchorEdge.Top,
) {
Text("This is my image!")
fun ConstraintLayoutScope.Tooltip(
anchor: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
anchorEdge: AnchorEdge,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
tooltipStyle: TooltipStyle = rememberTooltipStyle(),
tipPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
anchorPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
margin: Dp = 8.dp,
content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
to locate this tooltip nearbyanchorEdge
- Can be either ofAnchorEdge.Start
, orAnchorEdge.Bottom
- Style for tooltip. Can be created byrememberTooltipStyle
- Tip position relative to balloonanchorPosition
- Position on theanchor
's edge where the tip points out.margin
- Margin between tip andanchor
- Content inside balloon. TypicallyText
also supports enter/exit transition using AnimatedVisibility
. Because AnimatedVisibility
is experimental, this method is also experimental.
fun ConstraintLayoutScope.Tooltip(
anchor: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
anchorEdge: AnchorEdge,
enterTransition: EnterTransition,
exitTransition: ExitTransition,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
visible: Boolean = true,
tooltipStyle: TooltipStyle = rememberTooltipStyle(),
tipPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
anchorPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
margin: Dp = 8.dp,
content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
to be applied when thevisible
becomes true. Types ofEnterTransition
are listed here.exitTransition
to be applied when thevisible
becomes false. Types ofExitTransition
are listed here.
Box {
// Some other composables here
// This Box is a conatiner for anchoring
Box {
painter = painterResource(R.drawable.some_image),
contentDescription = "Some image"
anchorEdge = AnchorEdge.Top,
) {
Text("This is my image!")
When Tooltip
is being displayed as a popup, an anchor and Tooltip
should be put altogether inside one composable.
fun Tooltip(
anchorEdge: AnchorEdge,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
tooltipStyle: TooltipStyle = rememberTooltipStyle(),
tipPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
anchorPosition: EdgePosition = remember { EdgePosition() },
margin: Dp = 8.dp,
onDismissRequest: (() -> Unit)? = null,
properties: PopupProperties = remember { PopupProperties() },
content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit
- Executes when the user clicks outside of the
for further customization of this tooltip's behavior.
Other parameteres are same as for ConstraintLayout.
There is also an another version of supporting transition.