Elastic Training on Kubernetes
This repository holds end-to-end documents on how to start elastic training on Kubernetes clusters.
It is a concept of elastic training is familiar to you, please jump to the section of how to use Elastic Training.
In brief, elastic training belongs to enhanced distributed training where the job persists regardless changes from computation resources.
When a training task requires computation resources beyond a single node, whether because of dataset or the model size, distributed training divide the computation into several parts. According to scheme to decompose computation, we have ParameterServer-Worker mode where there will be participants of parameter servers as well as workers and AllReduce mode uniformly consists of workers.
When a distributed training task continues its computation regardless changes of participants unless it's catastrophically broken, we call this training task Elastic Training.
Without elastic training, a training job able to continue after a reboot from checkpoint as well. However, elastic training saves the work of reboot and considerable resource idleness.
Given different training mode (PS-Worker/AllReduce), the elasticity could be difined differently. At this moment, an elastic training of allreduce can lost workers unless there is at lease one left (otherwise, it's not recoverable).
Elastic Training benefits groups with limit resources on deep learning tasks.
Not every group can afford distributed training in large scale, even with public cloud service. However, spot instance (preempitble resource) generally costs only 20% ~ 30% of regular resource. Elastic training enables distributed training compatible with spot instances as researchers need not worry failures after instances recycled.
For users work on IDC (Internet Data Center), the fixed resource pool contradicts with periodically fluctuating online request. With elastic training collocated with workloads processing online request, the training task works as a sponge, squeezing out resources when requests surge and soaking resources with plunge of requests.
We recommend a Kubernetes version of 1.18+.
training-operator from Kubeflow community offer controllers for the following APIs:
API | API Version | Support Elastic Training |
TFJob | v1 |
Yes (worker only*) |
MPIJob | v1 |
Yes |
PyTorchJob | v1 |
Yes |
MXNetJob | v1 |
No |
XGBoostJob | v1 |
No |
*For TFJob (with ps-worker training mode), training-operator only support dynamic worker, not parameter server.
Please use the following script to deploy kubeflow/training-operator (master branch):
kubectl apply -k "github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/manifests/overlays/standalone"
We introduce how to train with Kubeflow MPIJob with PriorityClass in this section.
To prepare an elastic training task with Horovod
, please refer this tutorial.
For the sake of converge, user might need to wrapper the lr_scheduler
to scaling the learning rate proportionally to the contemporary worker counts.
User may assign PriorityClass to Pods. Generally, we assign Pods from workloads for online service with High Priority, Pods from training jobs that should be kept under high resource stress with Medium Priority, Pods from training jobs that could be evicted with Low Priority.
only serves as an example. Users can redefine values in these PriorityClass.
apiVersion: scheduling.k8s.io/v1
description: Used for online inference related pods that is capable to make low priority pods preempted
kind: PriorityClass
name: inference-pc
preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority
value: 100000000
apiVersion: scheduling.k8s.io/v1
description: Used for training pods that should be non-preempting
kind: PriorityClass
name: preserved-pc
preemptionPolicy: Never
value: 90000000
apiVersion: scheduling.k8s.io/v1
description: Used for training pods that are preemptible
kind: PriorityClass
name: preemptible-pc
preemptionPolicy: Never
value: 80000001
Here is an example of elastic training job with Horovod Elastic:
apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1
kind: MPIJob
name: tensorflow-mnist-elastic
slotsPerWorker: 1
cleanPodPolicy: Running
replicas: 1
priorityClassName: preserved-pc
- image: horovod/horovod:0.20.0-tf2.3.0-torch1.6.0-mxnet1.5.0-py3.7-cpu
name: mpi-launcher
- horovodrun
- -np
- "2"
- --min-np
- "1"
- --max-np
- "3"
- --host-discovery-script
- /etc/mpi/discover_hosts.sh
- python
- /examples/elastic/tensorflow2_mnist_elastic.py
cpu: 1
memory: 2Gi
cpu: 1
memory: 2Gi
replicas: 2
priorityClassName: preemptible-pc
- image: horovod/horovod:0.20.0-tf2.3.0-torch1.6.0-mxnet1.5.0-py3.7-cpu
name: mpi-worker
cpu: 2
memory: 4Gi
cpu: 2
memory: 4Gi
As long as Pods for workload with high Priority are assigned with proper PriorityClass, the default scheduler is able to evict worker Pods and make room for other pending Pods. Here is a demo.
Training with HorizontalPodAutoscaler is also supported. In this section, we present an example with Kubeflow PyTorchJob.
PyTorch 1.10 supports elastic training. Users should manage the checkpoints as below. Please refer to PyTorch Elastic documentation for details.
def main():
args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
state = load_checkpoint(args.checkpoint_path)
# torch.distributed.run ensures that this will work
# by exporting all the env vars needed to initialize the process group
for i in range(state.epoch, state.total_num_epochs)
for batch in iter(state.dataset)
train(batch, state.model)
state.epoch += 1
Elastic training with PyTorchJob is now supported in master branch of Kubeflow training operator. The example above can be used to deploy an elastic PyTorchJob.
apiVersion: "kubeflow.org/v1"
kind: PyTorchJob
name: elastic-example-imagenet
rdzvBackend: c10d
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 2
maxRestarts: 100
replicas: 2
restartPolicy: OnFailure
- name: pytorch
image: kubeflow/pytorch-elastic-example-imagenet:1.0.0-sigterm
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: LOGLEVEL
value: DEBUG
- python
- -m
- torch.distributed.run
- /workspace/examples/imagenet.py
- "--arch=resnet18"
- "--epochs=20"
- "--batch-size=32"
- "--workers=0"
- "/workspace/data/tiny-imagenet-200"
Please have a look at the demo video here.