The log package refers to lexkong/log, and some convenience changes
The function is exactly the same, because the original author is no longer maintained and does not support go mod
The log packages commonly used when develop by Go:
- log
- glog
- logrus
and glog
are relatively simple and cannot meet production-level program development.
is powerful, but not support rotate. You need to rotate the log file by an external program yourself.
This log package summarizes the requirements commonly used in enterprise development, and integrates these functions in a log package.
After testing, the performance of the log package can fully meet the needs of enterprise-level production.
# in go mod project
# see last version
$ go list -v -m -versions
# like
$ go mod edit -require='[email protected]'
Before using the log package, you need to initialize the log package.
The initialization functions are:InitWithConfig()
, InitWithFile()
A simple example:
package main
import (
func main() {
_ := log.InitWithFile("log.yaml", "yaml")
for i := 0; i < 1; i++ {
log.Infof("Hi %s, system is starting up ...", "paas-bot")
log.Info("check-info", lager.Data{
"info": "something",
log.Debug("check-info", lager.Data{
"info": "something",
log.Warn("failed-to-do-somthing", lager.Data{
"info": "something",
err := fmt.Errorf("This is an error")
log.Error("failed-to-do-somthing", err)
log.yaml file content:
writers: file,stdout
logger_level: DEBUG
logger_file: logs/log.log # if not set use FRAME_HOME env to replace or use default log/frame.log
log_format_text: false
rollingPolicy: size # size, daily
log_rotate_date: 1
log_rotate_size: 1
log_backup_count: 7
: file,stdout。file
will letlogger_file
to file,stdout
will show at std, most of time use boselogger_level
: log level: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATALlogger_file
: log file settinglog_format_text
: formattrue
will format json,false
will show absrollingPolicy
: rotate policy, can choose as: daily, size.daily
store as daily,size
will save as maxlog_rotate_date
: rotate date, coordinaterollingPolicy: daily
: rotate size,coordinaterollingPolicy: size
: backup max count, log system will compress the log file when log reaches rotate set, this set is max file count