This application extracts emails from documents of various formats including doc, docx, pdf and rtf. Although these are the supported formats the code could potentially support other formats too with minor changes.
Although the binary was compiled with Java 19, the code is compatible with Java 8+. So you may have to recompile it in case you need it to run on a lower version of Java runtime.
Java Runtime 19.x.x
doc, docx, rtf, pdf Documents of other formats will be ignored.
- Copy jar to a folder with execute permissions
- Type the following command
java -jar get-email-from-docs-1.0.jar -s -o
Emails that are extracted will be saved to a file name 'extracted-emails.csv', a comma separated file. Failures (documents in which emails were not found or from which emails could not be extracted) will be listed in 'failed.txt'.