THIS PLUGIN IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MAINTAINED. Feel free to send merge request. If anybody would like to maintain this plugin, please contact me and YOU could become the owner!
mafia-maven-plugin MAaven FItnesse Adapter
This plugin let's you control:
- CLASSPATH ENTRIES & DEFINITIONS can be written to root page of FitNesse using the pom configuration.
Supported versions of FitNesse:
- 20150424
- 20150226
- 20140630
- 20140623
- 20140418
- 20140201
- 20131110
- 20131109
- 20130530
- 20130531
- 20121220
- 20111025
**NOTE if you don't want to use the fitnesse version (= latest) that comes with the mafia plugin, please include fitnesse as a dependency of your product. IMPORTANT add the <classifier>standalone</classifier> to include velocity and htmlparser dependencies.
1 - STARTING FitNesse.
goal: start
phase: install
command: mvn mafia:start
This maven goal will start the FitNesse server. You can create a configuration section in your pom to change
default behaviour.
Property | Default | Description |
fitNessePort | 9090 | Port for FitNesse to listen on. |
wikiRoot | ${basedir} | Root of FitNesse. |
nameRootPage | FitNesseRoot | Name of the root page |
retainDays | 14 | Number of days to retain older versions (.zip files) |
jvmArguments | Arguments for the jvm. | |
jvmDependencies | Classpath entries for the jvm. | |
fitNesseAuthenticateStart | no auth | username:password - Enforces access for one user or /auth/file/path/and/name - Enforces access for a file of users with encrypted passwords |
fitNesseVerbose | false | Sets verbose option for fitnesse |
logDirectory | ${basedir}/log/ | Where to put and what to call the run log. |
connectionAttempts | 4 | Mafia waits for the startup of FitNesse by trying to connect to it. This configuration determines how often Mafia will attempt. |
Configuration example with defaults and example values:
2 - STOPPING FitNesse.
goal: stop
phase: clean
command: mvn mafia:stop
This maven goal will stop the FitNesse server. You can create a configuration section in your pom to change
default behaviour.
Property | Default | Description |
fitNessePort | 9090 | Port for FitNesse to listen on. |
jvmArguments | Arguments for the jvm. | |
jvmDependencies | Classpath entries for the jvm. | |
fitNesseAuthenticateStop | no auth | username:password - Enforces access for user on shutdown |
Configuration example with defaults and exmaple values:
goal: test
phase: integration-test
command: mvn mafia:test
This maven goal will run the tests listed in the configuration section. Note that the tests are run on a FitNesse
server running on separate port, default 9091.
Property | Default | Description |
fitNesseRunPort | 9091 | Port for FitNesse to listen on. |
jvmArguments | Arguments for the jvm. | |
jvmDependencies | Classpath entries for the jvm. | |
testResultsDirectory | ${basedir}/FitNesse/files/mafiaTestResults | Output directory for the mafia test results. |
stopTestsOnIgnore | false | Stop the run when an ignore exception occurs. |
stopTestsOnException | true | Stop the run when an exception occurs. |
stopTestsOnWrong | true | Stop the run when a wrong exception occurs. |
tests | List of elements with tests. | |
suites | List of elements with suites. | |
suitePageName | Root page of filtered suites to run. | |
suiteFilter | tag filter to use. Used in combination with a suitePageName | |
fitNesseAuthenticateStart | no auth | username:password - Enforces access for one user or /auth/file/path/and/name - Enforces access for a file of users with encrypted passwords on startup |
fitNesseAuthenticateStop | no auth | username:password - Enforces access for user on shutdown |
fitNesseUpdatePrevents | update | Prevents (omits) updating FitNesseRoot content |
fitNesseVerbose | not verbose | Sets verbose option for fitnesse |
writeSurefireReports | false | If true, every test result will be written to the folder "surefire-reports" in the maven build directory. This enabled tools like Jenkins to recognize if a test failed. |
connectionAttempts | 4 | Mafia waits for the startup of FitNesse by trying to connect to it. This configuration determines how often Mafia will attempt. |
Configuration with defaults. tests, suites and a suiteFilter can be mixed. A suiteFilter needs a suitePageName.
goal: content
phase: process-resources
command: mvn mafia:content
This maven goal will create the content.txt file, root page, for FitNesse, filling it with
classpath entries (!path ) and definitions (!define ). Automatically including the compile and
runtime dependencies, but you can exclude dependencies in the configuration.
Property | Default | Description |
wikiRoot | ${basedir} | Root of FitNesse. |
nameRootPage | FitNesseRoot | Name of the root page |
statics | Values ares copied as is to content.txt (This could also be wiki text) | |
resources | Values are prefixed with !define and copied to content.txt | |
targets | Values are prefixed with !define and postfixed with /target/classes/ and added to content.txt (useful for hot-deployment). | |
excludeDependencies | Listed dependencies are excluded from the classpath entries. (Most likely the ones listed in the targets configuration section). |
<static>!define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}</static>
goal: report
phase: site
command: mvn mafia:report
This maven goal will generate a report of the last run tests.
Property | Default | Description |
wikiRoot | ${basedir} | Root of FitNesse. |
nameRootPage | FitNesseRoot | Name of the root page |
Configuration with defaults: