Simple script to manage/navigate C project using cscope, ctags, and vim in bash
Command line options:
-a <path/file> : add files/folder to consider
-ex <path/file>: exclude files or folders from project list
-c : Continue script even if file/folder specified in "-a" is not present
-k : Dont delete the extra files created (tags, cscope.files, cscope.out, tree)
-fl : Use this file as list of files.
-d : Dont consider files in current directory
-s : silent. Create DB and exit
This script creates file list: cscope.files
Then runs cscope, and ctags on cscope.files. cscope creates cscope.out, and ctags creates tags
This script also creates a tree view of source files named: tree
As an entry point, in cscope, select the option "Find this file" and select the file tags
If you opened vim on a file, and want to run cstart on top of it, add these below in vimrc, and execute :CSTART command in vim
function Saveall()
function CleanUpCstartDB()
call Saveall()
:autocmd! VimLeave * !
function CscopeLink()
call Saveall()
! -s
:cs add cscope.out
call CleanUpCstartDB()
command! CSTART :call CscopeLink()
Copy these files to /sbin, or /usr/sbin or any folder which belongs to PATH list. and use it at any location.