Welcome to the repository of the student portal made initially as a fun project and later submitted as a college project. This project was initially aimed to practice Flask and has implementation of some of the more popular features in Flask like the use of Flask-login, Flask-SQLAlchemy and Flask-Migrate.
The Project has three views to log into:
* This features pages like Timetable addition, Teacher Assignment, Signup, and Notice addition.
* The Signup page features sign up options to add Students, Teachers and other Admins.
* It also features an Excel sheet integration to aid bulk registration.
* In the teacher's end we can assign marks to the students using the marks page.
* We also have a grade calculator where brackets of mark ranges are given and the grades are assigned accordingly and shown in a table.
* Again, an excel sheet intergration is provided to aid bulk mark upload.
* A teacher can have a look at their timetables as assigned by the Admin.
* Validation is done to show a teacher their classes only.
* The student end is mostly to take in information.
* A student can find marks to their assignments and their timetables.
* The notice board has some good looking cards on which notices are displayed.
Username: [email protected]
Password: asdf
Username: [email protected]
Password: asdf
Username: [email protected]
Password: asdf