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🐹 g0.nvim

A lightweight Golang neovim plugin that focuses on simplicity and efficiency

🗳️ Requirements

Neovim >= 0.9.0

🚀 Installation


  { 'shoukoo/g0.nvim',
    config = function ()

You can also modify the defaults config

  { 'shoukoo/g0.nvim',
    config = function ()
        gomodifytags = {
          tags = "xml,json"

🗄️ Configuration

g0 comes with the following defaults

  gotest = {
    -- run go test in verbose mode
    verbose = false
  gomodifytags = {
    -- Transform adds a transform rule when adding tags.
    -- Current options: [snakecase, camelcase, lispcase, pascalcase, titlecase, keep]
    transform = "snakecase",
    -- Add/Remove tags for the comma separated list of keys. i.e.: json,xml
    tags = "json",
    -- Add/Remove the options per given key. i.e: json=omitempty,hcl=squash
    options = ""
  -- timeout in seconds, mainly used by goimports
  timeout = 1000
  debug = false,

🎬 Commands


Copy below to run goimports on save

local format_sync_grp = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("G0Import", {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
  pattern = "*.go",
  callback = function()
    local success, result = pcall(function()

    if not success then
      vim.notify(result, vim.log.levels.ERROR)
  group = format_sync_grp,

:G0Install {pkg}

These are the available packages that can be installed using the command. To add a new package, you can add it in the lua/g0/install.lua, or manually install it

Pkg Repository URL

To install the goimports pkg

:G0Install goimports

To install the gopls pkg

:G0Install gopls 


Install all the available packages


Update all the available packages

:G0TestCurrent {args}

Running :G0TestCurrent executes the cd {file dir} && go test -run <func name> command in the directory of the current file. You can also provide additional valid flags as needed, which are documented in go help test.

Run the go test with the verbose flag

:G0TestCurrent -v

Run the go test with the integration tag

:G0TestCurrent --tag=integration

:G0TestCurrentDir {args}

Running :G0TestCurrentDir executes the cd {file dir} && go test ./... command in the directory of the current file. You can also provide additional valid flags as needed, which are documented in go help test.

Run the go test with the verbose flag

:G0TestCurrentDir -v

Run the go test with the integration tag

:G0TestCurrentDir --tag=integration


Display the past Go test results from both the G0TestCurrentDir and G0TestCurrent commands.

:[range]G0AddTags {args}

Running plain :G0AddTags executes the gomodifyfiles -file={file dir} -add-tags=json command to the current file. You can also provide additional valid flags as needed, which are documented in the gomodifytags repo. Please note that it utilises default values from gomodifytags; for instance, it defaults to using snake_case for the tags

To add tags to the entire struct, position your cursor at the beginning of the struct and run the cmd below. To add a tag to a specific field, move your cursor to that field run the same cmd.


Highlight the fields in visual mode, and then execute the following command to add tags to them.


To add both xml and json tags, run the cmd below

:G0AddTags -add-tags=xml,json

To use camelCase for the tags, run the cmd below

:G0AddTags -transform=camelcase

:[range]G0RemoveTags {args}

Plain G0RemoveTags executes the gomodifytags -file={file} -remove-tags=json command to the current file. You can also override the flags as needed, you can find additional flags from the gomodifytags repo

To remove json tags to the entire struct, position your cursor at the beginning of the struct and run the cmd below.


Highlight the fields in visual mode, and then execute the following command to remove json tags to them.


To remove both xml and json tags, run the cmd below

:G0RemoveTags -remove-tags=xml,json

:[range]G0ClearTags {args}

Plain G0ClearTags executes the gomodifytags -file={file} -clear-tags command to the current file. You can also override the flags as needed, you can find additional flags from the gomodifytags repo

To clear tags to the entire struct, position your cursor at the beginning of the struct and run the cmd below.


Highlight the fields in visual mode, and then execute the following command to remove json tags to them.


To remove both xml and json tags, run the cmd below



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