Tired of bloated IDEs that slow you down? Welcome to Paper Code, the lightweight, fast C++ IDE built for performance-obsessed developers.
- Lightweight Design: Built with a focus on minimal resource usage, ensuring smooth operation even on older or less powerful machines.
- Hardware-Accelerated UI: Utilizes OpenGL for a responsive, lag-free and cross-platform user interface.
- Code Editing:
- Syntax highlighting for C++ code.
- Support for indentation and code formatting.
- Code Auto Completion.
- Intellisense (Experimental).
- Project Management:
- Ability to create and manage C++ projects with multiple files.
- Other Features:
- A customizable interface to suit different preferences (Work-in progress).
- Support for cross-platform development (Tested on Windows & Linux Debian Only) - Still work in progress.
See Release - https://github.com/shahfarhadreza/papercode/releases/tag/beta-build-11pm-14-april-2024
GCC Compilers (MinGW-w64) - https://winlibs.com/#download-release Don't forget to add the compiler path (bin folder) to the environment variables of operating system. Otherwise Paper Code won't be able to find your GCC compiler in order to build your C++ projects.
Paper Code uses CMake
to support cross-platform building. Install CMake before proceeding.
Note: If you don't use the provided installer for your platform, make sure that you add CMake's bin folder to your path.
C++ Version Required: C++23 Or Higher
The basic steps to build are:
Navigate into the root directory (where CMakeLists.txt is), create build folder and run CMake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake [-G generator] ..\
The generator
option is the build system you'd like to use. For example: cmake -G"Ninja" ..\
- Build
The command you'll need to run depends on the generator you chose earlier. For example: Write ninja
and hit enter. (Make sure you are in the build folder)
- Run
After the building process completes, you will find the executable in the bin folder to run.
Currently testd only on Debian testing. Ubuntu 22.04 is probably not going to work, lets wait to Ubuntu 24.04, hopefully this will work as well.
Install build dependencies, and build:
sudo apt install clang-17 clang-tools-17 build-essential ninja cmake xorg-dev
CXX=clang+-17 cmake -C cbuild -G Ninja
cmake -b cbuild
Note that due to heavy usage of C++20,C++23 - gcc is not alawys supported (gcc 13 cannot compile this project). Clang 18 should compile, but it is not available on Debian yet. For this reason the GNUMakefile generator will not work and you must use ninja.
- ImGui
- Yaml-Cpp
- FontAwesome5
- libclang
We welcome contributions from the C++ developer community!