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A service to test shadowsocks keys.


How to use

Using curl, call te test endpoint with a SIP002 compatible address: curl -i localhost:8080/v2/test -d "address=ss://Y2hhY2hhMjAtaWV0Zi1wb2x5MTMwNTpiYWRwYXNzd29yZA@localhost:6276/?outline=1"


  • 200: Everything went well and there's data for you in the format
  • 4xx: You are either requesting the wrong URL or passing bad data to the server
  • 502: There was an error getting data for this address which means either the address is invalid or the server is offline
  • 504: There was a timeout getting data for this address

Demo service

A demo service is deployed at


Run using snap

Get it from the Snap Store

Run snap install shadowtest and the service will be exposed for you on port 51292

Run using docker

Run docker run -p 8080:8080 -d guamulo/shadowtest to get it running with docker on port 8080

From the terminal

Add the following function to your bashrc to query the service from your terminal

function shadowtest(){
  curl --silent localhost:51292/v2/test -d "address=$1" | jq