apd is the main of the program which conrtrol all the module and maintain the cli interface.
all you need for download one video is to paste the video page link after the command apd. like:
apd https://aparat.com/some/videohash
or if you need to download the whole videos of a playlist, put --playlist before or after the link of the playlist. Like this:
apd https://aparat.com/some/videohash --playlist
if you use --just-list option, it will print the url/url's to stdout and then you can redirect them to a file.
apd https://aparat.com/some/videohash --playlist --just-list
To specify the quality, use --quality option and set your required quality. Like This:
apd https://aparat.com/some/videohash --playlist --just-list --quality 1080
if you need to download a specify scop of a playlist you should use --start and/or --end.
the --start specify that from which video should start the process.
and --end indicate that which video is the last video that should be process.
apd https://aparat.com/some/videohash --playlist --start 3 --end 13
quality | -q
playlis | -p
list | -l
note that if you use --just-list, apd won't download any video.
note that if you don't specify quality, apd will try to find 480 quality.
note: you can use --start or --end singly, like:
apd https://aparat.com/some/videohash --playlist --start 5
note the default ending is the last video of playlist
note: default begining is the first video of playlist
- clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/shabane/apd.git
- enter
bash install.sh
- you made it, now you can run
command. apd "aparat link" [options]
- clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/shabane/apd.git
- open CMD and
to the apd dircectory - enter
python apd.py "apart link" [options]
0: every thing is great
2: missing some option
10: error in the apd
20: error in video_finder
30: error in play_list_finder
40: error in downloader
other error: all other error come from http status