Goodminder is a free web-app for you to collect and create meaningful text.
Front-end developer: sepuckett86
Back-end developer: codegold79
First launch: Jan. 1, 2019.
We are continually improving this site. Feedback is welcome.
This app was made using Laravel, Laravel-Mix, React, Redux, and MySQL.
How to use this repository via Homestead
- update
folders and sites to include your repo followed byvagrant up --provision
- update
to include new site composer install
within Laravel folder within ssh virtual machine- duplicate
and rename copy.env
in the Laravel folder php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
npm install
npm run dev
Note: you may need to type
npm install cross-env
before npm run dev
Note 2: You will also need to add .env details about mail, as well as run database seedings and/or migrations.