The app consists of two pages:
- Main page
- Details page
In this page all the movies are listed next to each other. A search bar is provided in order to search any specific movie. Moreover, a dropdown menu next to the search bar is also given, which filters the given list depending on the genre selected.
If a movie thumbnail is clicked, the application will redirect the user to the details page of that specific movie.
This page consists of all the details of a chosen movie, these include the movie name, image, description, rating, genres and length. A home button is also provided in the navigation bar, to redirect the user back to the main page.
Run the following commands:
git clone
cd Movie-Application
- node version 18.14.2
Run the following commands:
cd Frontend_Application
npm test
Make sure you are in master branch
git checkout master
- maven version 3.9.0 with Java version 17
- docker daemon running
Run the following commands from Movie-Application directory:
cd movie-gallery
mvn spring-boot:build-image
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 movie-spring-image:latest
- docker daemon running
Go back to Movie-Application directory and run the following:
cd Frontend_Application
docker build -t movie/react-app .
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 movie/react-app
Once both backend and frontend applications are up and running, go to localhost:3000.
If you wish to try out the application with frontend only, do the following:
git checkout frontend-approach
cd Frontend_Application
docker build -t movie/frontend-react-app .
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 movie/frontend-react-app