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rsignell-usgs committed Jan 4, 2017
0 parents commit 929e704
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Showing 53 changed files with 3,267 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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# air-sea
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions air_dens.m
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function rhoa=air_dens(Ta,RH,Pa)
% AIR_DENS: computes computes the density of moist air.
% rhoa=AIR_DENS(Ta,RH,Pa) computes the density of moist air.
% Air pressure is optional.
% INPUT: Ta - air temperature Ta [C]
% RH - relative humidity [%]
% Pa - air pressure (optional) [mb]
% OUTPUT: rhoa - air density [kg/m^3]
% 4/7/99: version 1.2 (contributed by AA)
% 8/5/99: version 2.0
% load constants
if nargin == 2
Pa = P_default;
o61 = 1/eps_air-1; % 0.61 (moisture correction for temp.)
Q = (0.01.*RH).*qsat(Ta,Pa); % specific humidity of air [kg/kg]
T = Ta+CtoK; % convert to K
Tv = T.*(1 + o61*Q); % air virtual temperature
rhoa = (100*Pa)./(gas_const_R*Tv); % air density [kg/m^3]
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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions albedo.m
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function alb=albedo(trans,sunalt)
% ALBEDO: computes sea surface albedo following Payne (1972).
% alb=ALBEDO(trans,sunalt) computes the sea surface albedo from the
% atmospheric transmittance and sun altitude by linear interpolation
% using Table 1 in Payne (1972), J. Atm. Sci., 29, 959-970. Assumes
% trans and sunalt both matrices of same size. Table 1 is called
% albedot1.mat.
% INPUT: trans - atmospheric transmittance
% sunalt - sun altitude [deg]
% OUTPUT: alb - albedo
% 3/10/96: version 1.0
% 7/24/98: version 1.1 (rev. to handle out-of-range input values by RP)
% 8/5/99: version 2.0
% load table 1
load albedot1
% create axes
k=sunalt>0 & finite(trans) & trans<=1.01;
% interpolate
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Binary file added albedot1.mat
Binary file not shown.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions as_consts.m
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% AS_CONSTS: returns values of many constants used in AIR_SEA TOOLBOX
% AS_CONSTS: returns values of many constants used in the AIR_SEA
% TOOLBOX. At end of this file are values of constants from COARE
% to be used when running the test program t_hfbulktc.m
% 8/19/98: version 1.1 (contributed by RP)
% 4/7/99: version 1.2 (revised to include COARE test values by AA)
% 8/5/99: version 2.0
% ------- physical constants
g = 9.8; % acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2]
sigmaSB = 5.6697e-8; % Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m^2/K^4]
eps_air = 0.62197; % molecular weight ratio (water/air)
gas_const_R = 287.04; % gas constant for dry air [J/kg/K]
CtoK = 273.16; % conversion factor for [C] to [K]
% ------- meteorological constants
kappa = 0.4; % von Karman's constant
Charnock_alpha = 0.011; % Charnock constant (for determining roughness length
% at sea given friction velocity), used in Smith
% formulas for drag coefficient and also in Fairall
% and Edson. use alpha=0.011 for open-ocean and
% alpha=0.018 for fetch-limited (coastal) regions.
R_roughness = 0.11; % limiting roughness Reynolds # for aerodynamically
% smooth flow
% ------ defaults suitable for boundary-layer studies
cp = 1004.7; % heat capacity of air [J/kg/K]
rho_air = 1.22; % air density (when required as constant) [kg/m^2]
Ta_default = 10; % default air temperature [C]
P_default = 1020; % default air pressure for Kinneret [mbars]
psych_default = 'screen'; % default psychmometer type (see relhumid.m)
Qsat_coeff = 0.98; % satur. specific humidity coefficient reduced
% by 2% over salt water
% the following are useful in hfbulktc.m
% (and are the default values used in Fairall et al, 1996)
CVB_depth = 600; % depth of convective boundary layer in atmosphere [m]
min_gustiness = 0.5; % min. "gustiness" (i.e., unresolved fluctuations) [m/s]
% should keep this strictly >0, otherwise bad stuff
% might happen (divide by zero errors)
beta_conv = 1.25;% scaling constant for gustiness
% ------ short-wave flux calculations
Solar_const = 1368.0; % the solar constant [W/m^2] represents a
% mean of satellite measurements made over the
% last sunspot cycle (1979-1995) taken from
% Coffey et al (1995), Earth System Monitor, 6, 6-10.
% ------ long-wave flux calculations
emiss_lw = 0.985; % long-wave emissivity of ocean from Dickey et al
% (1994), J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 11, 1057-1076.
bulkf_default = 'berliand'; % default bulk formula when downward long-wave
% measurements are not made.
% ------ constants used for COARE; to use simply delete the %
% g = 9.7803; % acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2]
% sigmaSB = 5.67e-8; % Stefan-Boltzmann constant [m^2/K^4]
% gas_const_R = 287.1; % gas constant for dry air [J/kg/K]
% cp = 1004.67; % heat capacity of air [J/kg/K]
% beta_conv = 1.20; % scaling constant for gustiness
% emiss_lw = 0.97; % long-wave emissivity
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50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions binave.m
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function bindat = binave(data,r)
% BINAVE: averages vector data in bins of length r.
% bindat=BINAVE(data,r) computes an average vector of the vector
% data in bins of length r. The last bin may be the average of
% less than r elements. Useful for computing daily average time
% series (with r=24 for hourly data).
% INPUT: data - data vector
% r - number of elements in bin to be averaged
% OUTPUT: bindat - bin-averaged vector
% 3/8/97: version 1.0
% 9/19/98: version 1.1 (vectorized by RP)
% 8/5/99: version 2.0
% check input
if nargin < 2
error('Not enough input arguments.')
if abs(r-fix(r)) > eps
error('Bin size R must be a positive integer.')
if fix(r) == 1
bindat = data;
if r <= 0
error('Bin size R must be a positive integer.')
% compute bin averaged series
l = length(data)/r;
l = fix(l);
bindat = mean(reshape(data(1:l*r),r,l));
if length(data)>l*r,
if N~=1
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84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions blwhf.m
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function lwest = blwhf(Ts,Ta,rh,Fc,bulk_f)
% BLWHF: estimates net long-wave heat flux using bulk formulas
% lwest = BLWHF(Ts,Ta,rh,Fc,bulk_f) estimates the net longwave
% heat flux into the ocean using one of a number of bulk formulas
% evaluated by Fung et al (1984), Rev. Geophys. Space Physics,
% 22,177-193.
% INPUT: Ts - sea surface temperature [C]
% Ta - air temperature [C]
% rh - relative humidity [%]
% Fc - cloudiness correction factor F(C) (=1 for clear sky)
% (see cloudcor.m for more information)
% bulk_f - bulk formulas to be used
% (see Fung et al, 1984) for details).
% Options are:
% 'brunt'
% 'berliand' - probably the best one (default)
% 'clark'
% 'hastenrath'
% 'efimova'
% 'bunker'
% 'anderson'
% 'swinbank' - does not use rh
% OUTPUT: lwest - net downward longwave flux [W/m^2]
% 8/31/98: version 1.1 (contributed by RP)
% 8/5/99: version 2.0
% load constants and defaults
if nargin<5,
% compute vapour pressure from relative humidity (using formulas
% from Gill, 1982)
% convert to K
% signs for flux INTO ocean
switch bulk_f,
case {'brunt',1}
lwest = -emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ts.^4.*(0.39 - 0.05*sqrt(e_a)).*Fc;
case {'berliand',2}
lwest = -emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ta.^4.*(0.39 - 0.05*sqrt(e_a)).*Fc ...
- 4*emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ta.^3.*(Ts - Ta);
case {'clark',3}
lwest = -emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ts.^4.*(0.39 - 0.05*sqrt(e_a)).*Fc ...
- 4*emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ts.^3.*(Ts - Ta);
case {'hastenrath',4}
q_a = e_a*eps_air./P_default;
lwest = -emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ts.^4.*(0.39 - 0.056*sqrt(q_a)).*Fc ...
- 4*emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ts.^3.*(Ts - Ta);
case {'efimova',5}
lwest = -emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ta.^4.*(0.254 - 0.00495*(e_a)).*Fc ;
case {'bunker',6}
lwest = -0.022*emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ta.^4.*(11.7 - 0.23*(e_a)).*Fc ...
- 4*emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*ta.^3.*(Ts - Ta);
case {'anderson',5}
lwest = -emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*(ts.^4 - ta.^4.*(0.74+0.0049*(e_a))).*Fc ;
case {'swinbank',5}
lwest = -emiss_lw*sigmaSB.*(ts.^4 - 9.36e-6*ta.^6).*Fc ;
error(['Unrecognized bulk formula specified: ' bulk_f]);
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34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions cdnlp.m
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function [cd,u10]=cdnlp(sp,z)
% CDNLP: computes neutral drag coefficient following Large&Pond (1981).
% [cd,u10]=CDNLP(sp,z) computes the neutral drag coefficient and wind
% speed at 10m given the wind speed at height z following Large and
% Pond (1981), J. Phys. Oceanog., 11, 324-336.
% INPUT: sp - wind speed [m/s]
% z - measurement height [m]
% OUTPUT: cd - neutral drag coefficient at 10m
% u10 - wind speed at 10m [m/s]
% 3/8/97: version 1.0
% 8/26/98: version 1.1 (vectorized by RP)
% 8/5/99: version 2.0
as_consts; % define physical constants
a=log(z./10)/kappa; % log-layer correction factor
tol=.001; % tolerance for iteration [m/s]
while any(ii(:)),
cd=(4.9e-4+6.5e-5*u10o); % compute cd(u10)
u10=sp./(1+a.*sqrt(cd)); % next iteration
ii=abs(u10-u10o)>tol; % keep going until iteration converges
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52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions cdntc.m
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function [cd,u10]=cdntc(sp,z,Ta)
% CTDTC: computes the neutral drag coefficient following Smith (1988).
% [cd,u10]=CDNTC(sp,z,Ta) computes the neutral drag coefficient and
% wind speed at 10m given the wind speed and air temperature at height z
% following Smith (1988), J. Geophys. Res., 93, 311-326.
% INPUT: sp - wind speed [m/s]
% z - measurement height [m]
% Ta - air temperature (optional) [C]
% OUTPUT: cd - neutral drag coefficient at 10m
% u10 - wind speed at 10m [m/s]
% 3/8/97: version 1.0
% 8/26/98: version 1.1 (vectorized by RP)
% 8/5/99: version 2.0
% get constants
if nargin==2,
% iteration endpoint
% remove any sp==0 to prevent division by zero
% initial guess
% iterate to find z0 and ustar
while any(ii(:)),
z0=Charnock_alpha.*ustaro.^2./g + R_roughness*visc./ustaro;
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