A fast browser data generator that mimics actual traffic patterns in the wild. With extensive data coverage.
Created by daijro. Data provided by Scrapfly.
- Uses a Bayesian generative network to mimic real-world web traffic patterns
- Extensive data coverage for nearly all known browser data points
- Creates complete fingerprints in a few milliseconds ⚡
- Easily specify custom criteria for any data point (e.g. "only Windows + Chrome, with Intel GPUs")
- Simple for humans to use 🚀
Here is a demonstration of what fpgen generates & its ability to filter data points:
Install the package using pip:
pip install fpgen
Fetch the latest model:
fpgen fetch
This will be ran automatically on the first import, or every 5 weeks.
To decompress the model for faster generation (up to 10-50x faster!), run:
fpgen decompress
Note: This action will use an additional 100mb+ of storage.
CLI Usage
Usage: python -m fpgen [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
decompress Decompress model files for speed efficiency (will take 100mb+)
fetch Fetch the latest model from GitHub
recompress Compress model files after running decompress
remove Remove all downloaded and/or extracted model files
Simple usage:
>>> import fpgen
>>> fpgen.generate(browser='Chrome', os='Windows')
Or use the Generator object to pass filters downward:
>>> gen = fpgen.Generator(browser='Chrome') # Filter by Chrome
>>> gen.generate(os='Windows') # Generate Windows & Chrome fingerprints
Parameters list
Initializes the Generator with the given options.
Values passed to the Generator object will be inherited when calling Generator.generate()
constraints_dict (dict, optional): Constraints for the network, passed as a dictionary.
window_bounds (WindowBounds, optional): Constrain the output window size.
strict (bool, optional): Whether to raise an exception if the constraints are too strict.
flatten (bool, optional): Whether to flatten the output dictionary
target (Optional[Union[str, StrContainer]]): Only generate specific value(s)
**constraints: Constraints for the network.
You can narrow down generated fingerprints by specifying filters for any data field.
# Only generate fingerprints with Windows, Chrome, and Intel GPU:
>>> fpgen.generate(
... os='Windows',
... browser='Chrome',
... gpu={'vendor': 'Google Inc. (Intel)'}
... )
This can also be passed as a dictionary.
>>> fpgen.generate({
... 'os': 'Windows',
... 'browser': 'Chrome',
... 'gpu': {'vendor': 'Google Inc. (Intel)'},
... })
Pass in multiple constraints for the generator to select from.
'os': ('Windows', 'MacOS'),
'browser': ('Firefox', 'Chrome'),
If you are passing many nested constraints, run fpgen decompress
to improve model performance.
Constrain the minimum/maximum width and height of the window:
bounds = fpgen.WindowBounds(
Parameters for WindowBounds
Constrains the window size of the generated fingerprint.
At least one parameter must be passed.
min_width (int, optional): Lower bound width
max_width (int, optional): Upper bound width
min_height (int, optional): Lower bound height
max_height (int, optional): Upper bound height
To generate specific data fields, use the target
parameter with a string (or a list of strings).
Only generate HTTP headers:
>>> fpgen.generate(target='headers')
{'accept-language': 'uk-UA,uk;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd', 'accept': '*/*', 'priority': 'u=1, i', 'sec-ch-ua': '"Google Chrome";v="131", "Chromium";v="131", "Not_A Brand";v="24"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-site', 'sec-gpc': None}
Generate a User-Agent for Windows & Chrome:
>>> fpgen.generate(
... os='Windows',
... browser='Chrome',
... # Nested targets must be seperated by dots:
... target='headers.user-agent'
... )
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:134.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/134.0'
Generate a Firefox TLS fingerprint:
>>> fpgen.generate(
... browser='Firefox',
... target='network.tls.scrapfly_fp'
... )
{'version': '772', 'ch_ciphers': '4865-4867-4866-49195-49199-52393-52392-49196-49200-49162-49161-49171-49172-156-157-47-53', 'ch_extensions': '0-5-10-11-13-16-23-27-28-34-35-43-45-51-65037-65281', 'groups': '4588-29-23-24-25-256-257', 'points': '0', 'compression': '0', 'supported_versions': '772-771', 'supported_protocols': 'h2-http11', 'key_shares': '4588-29-23', 'psk': '1', 'signature_algs': '1027-1283-1539-2052-2053-2054-1025-1281-1537-515-513', 'early_data': '0'}
You can provide multiple targets as a list.
You can get a list of a target's possible values by passing it into fpgen.query
List all possible browsers:
>>> fpgen.query('browser')
['Chrome', 'Edge', 'Firefox', 'Opera', 'Safari', 'Samsung Internet', 'Yandex Browser']
Passing a nested target:
>>> fpgen.query('navigator.maxTouchPoints') # Dot seperated path
[0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 17, 20, 40, 256]
Parameters for query
Query a list of possibilities given a target.
target (str): Target node to query possible values for
flatten (bool, optional): Whether to flatten the output dictionary
sort (bool, optional): Whether to sort the output arrays
Since fpgen is trained on live data, queries may occasionally return invalid or anomalous values. These values will typically only appear in about 1 out of every 20,000 generations.
You can manually omit possible values, then pass a new list into the generator:
# Get possible values for screen.width
values = fpgen.query('screen.width')
# Only allow values above 1000
def width_filter(width):
return width > 1000
values = filter(width_filter, values)
# Pass in the new list of possible widths:
output = fpgen.generate(screen: {'width': values})
Here is a rough list of the data fpgen can generate:
- Browser data:
- All navigator data
- All mimetype data: Audio, video, media source, play types, PDF, etc
- All window viewport data (position, inner/outer viewport sizes, toolbar & scrollbar sizes, etc)
- All screen data
- Supported & unsupported DRM modules
- Memory heap limit
- System data:
- GPU data (vendor, renderer, WebGL/WebGL2, extensions, context attributes, parameters, shader precision formats, etc)
- Battery data (charging, charging time, discharging time, level)
- Screen size, color depth, taskbar size, etc.
- Full fonts list
- Cast receiver data
- Network data:
- HTTP headers
- TLS fingerprint data
- HTTP/2 fingerprint & frames
- RTC video & audio capabilities, codecs, clock rates, mimetypes, header extensions, etc
- Audio data:
- Audio signal
- All Audio API constants (AnalyserNode, BiquadFilterNode, DynamicsCompressorNode, OscillatorNode, etc)
- Internationalization data:
- Regional internationalization (Locale, calendar, numbering system, timezone, date format, etc)
- Voices
- And much more!
For a more complete list, see the full example output.