- execute the command to run scouter client for Mac(OSX)
xattr -cr
- The following JAVA environment variable must be added to dynamically load SCRIPT PULGIN in a JAVA PROCESS running in JAVA 11 or later environments.
-add-opensjava.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/
- To generate a thread dump via scouter in a java 11 or later environment, the following java environment variable must be added.
- On issue to display xlog list table, remove the directory
. (@user.home/scouter/xlogcolumnfile/
on Windows)
[client] Added client for Apple silicon. (thx. zbum)
[] Support java 20.
[] Support virtual threads and include all or partial virtual thread information in thead dump.
[] Support jakarta servlet. (thx. zbum)
[] The lowest supported version has been changed to java 8.
[] Support tracing for redisson.
[] enable or disable java agent script plugin (javassist) behavior as a setting. (In response to javassist memory issues in certain environments)
[] Added option to exclude stuck services from metering when handling force end in xlog that have not been terminated. (profile_force_end_stuck_ignore_metering)
[] Removed sigar from dependencies and replaced with oshi as it is no longer updated for collecting OS metrics.
collector server
[server] Clean up duplicate elements when counters-site.xml is saved where duplicate elements exist.
[webapp] Added serveral APIs and improved functionality. (thx. yosong.heo, gaiajeon)