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jasonschock edited this page Apr 30, 2012 · 24 revisions

Custom events fired during "data-remote" requests

Forms and links marked with "data-remote" attribute are submitted with jQuery.ajax(). In addition to normal jQuery Ajax "global" events, these custom events are fired from those DOM elements:

event name extra parameters when
ajax:before before the whole ajax business , aborts if stopped
ajax:beforeSend [xhr, settings] before the request is sent, aborts if stopped
ajax:success [data, status, xhr] after completion, if the HTTP response was a success
ajax:error [xhr, status, error] after completion, if the server returned an error *
ajax:complete [xhr, status] after the request has been completed, no matter what outcome
ajax:aborted:required [elements] when there are blank required fields in a form, submits anyway if stopped
ajax:aborted:file [elements] if there are non-blank input:file fields in a form, aborts if stopped

* Opera is inconsistent in its handling of jQuery ajax error responses, so relying on the values of xhr.status, status, or error in an ajax:error callback handler may cause inconsistent behavior in Opera.

Stoppable events

If you stop ajax:before or ajax:beforeSend, the Ajax request will never take place. The ajax:before event is also useful for manipulating form data before serialization. The ajax:beforeSend event is also useful for adding custom request headers.

If you stop the ajax:aborted:required event, the default behavior of aborting the form submission will be canceled, and thus the form will be submitted anyway.

If you stop the ajax:aborted:file event, the default behavior of allowing the browser to submit the form via normal means (i.e. non-AJAX submission) will be canceled and the form will not be submitted at all. This is useful for implementing your own AJAX file upload workaround.

Example usage

When processing a request failed on the server, it might return the error message as HTML:

$('#account_settings').on('ajax:error', function(event, xhr, status) {
  // insert the failure message inside the "#account_settings" element

Set custom HTTP headers just for a specific type of forms:

$('form.new_conversation').on('ajax:beforeSend', function(event, xhr, settings) {
  xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Awesome', 'enabled');