docker-ad-blocking-dns is an Ubuntu container with bind9 and IP blacklisting
cd docker-ad-blocking-dns
sudo docker build -t sawasy/docker-ad-blocking-dns .
sudo docker run -d -p 53:53 -p 53:53/udp sawasy/docker-ad-blocking-dns
###Notes You can tweak a few things. If you swap the reference, in, for a real webserver you can track the 404s there.
Also, you might want to disable
'allow-query-cache { any; };'
in named.conf.options if you are on a public network. Or not. Up to you.
This could be setup as a container on your workstation. Editing /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver localhost
will likely do the trick.
If you are doing this on an Ubuntu workstation, you likely will need to disable dnsmasq.
sudo sed -i -e 's/dns=dnsmasq/#dns=dnsmasq/g' /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
sudo service network-manager restart
sudo pkill dnsmasq
###Reference Most of the heavy lifting for this was sorted out here:
Also, this uses the excellent Advertiser black list at