A lot of UE4 programming examples are done with BluePrints. While such an approach is fine for small scripting logic,when it comes to complex scenarios the whole node structure becomes hardly readble and maintainable.Also programmers usually prefer 'real' code,instead of fancy visual coding framework. Here I release some of my own implementations in C++ which I use in personal projects and which I am really happy to share with others.
SLPawn.h SLPawn.cpp
Comes with 3 modes: Orbit,Trackball, Free (FPS) camera.
TrackBall mode takes an object to pick,you will have to change name string of raycast query. It is not parametric at the moment.
SLPLayerController can be replaced by default PlayerController.
Tested on 4.21 4.22
Modified version of GameActivity.java.template which adds a message send button like the on in Whatsapp messenger to UE Android Virtual Keyboard. Unreal Engine 5.2