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Task no: Task Name Description
0 Installing Ubuntu Task-0 was to install Ubuntu. The Zeroth Task was to install Ubuntu which I have done by installing the OS file to a live USB and booting my computer from that. Utility I used to burn my file to my live pendrive: Ubuntu Version : Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
1 Star amFOSS repositories Task-1 was to star all the amFOSS repositories in GitHub. I copied the script from star.user.js and pasted it on my Console(Developer Tools). Once I was finished,it showed an "It's Done" message. I have attached the screenshot of the Starred Repositories column of my GitHub page.
2 Programming Task-2 was Programming. We had to solve ten coding problems from HackerRank and Codeforces using a language of our choice. My choice of language was C++. I have briefed how I did them by including comments in the respective code.
3 Web Scraping Task-3 was web scraping using Ruby. A program had to be written where the top 20 search results of the word 'Linux' had to be scraped from Google. I did it using a gem called 'nokogiri', also used open-uri and do loop in Ruby.
6 CLI app using Go A commad-line app to get details of a twitter client had to be made. Language used had to be Golang.
7 Rusted Email Task-7 was Rusted Email. An email was to be accepted from the user and my code was to tell if the email accepted was in the correct format or not. An external crate RegEx had to be used to compare the expressions. The language used was Rust.
8 Captcha Breaking Task-8 was captcha breaking using Python. To do this task, a special module for image processing (tesseract: had to be installed. I also used eval() function to evaluate strings to integers.
9 Personal Website Task-9 was to create a simple website using Jekyll theme. Link:
10 CS50 Task-10 was to watch all CS50(Introduction to Computer Science by Harvard University) lectures till week-4 and complete psets for the same. It includes lectures on Scratch, C language, Arrays, Algorithms and memory
11 Pong Game The task was to clone the classic pong game in Javascript. Moreover, it had to be multiplayer. I used canvas for creating the graphics and other functions like addEventListener().
12 Python Source The task was to run the given script in which we had to input a particular string which on being correct displays "'re a genius" . Reversing the functions had to be done in order to obtain the correct string
13 Project-Euler There are 5 Euler projects to which the solution should be provided. The language I used was Python
14 Bandit Task-14 was an additional task and that was to reach till level 10 in Bandit. Bandit: I have provided all the passwords I found out till Level-10.

A little bit about myself:

I am Sanjana and I'm from Kerala. I joined Amrita because I've heard very positive responses from seniors and other alumni members. Also, I've heard that the mentorship and guidance offered by FOSS@amrita is one of a kind and I really wish to be a part of it.