Matlab Arduino add-on library for the Adafruit VL53L0X sensor This is a Matlab extension that allows Matlab to receive distance data from the VL53L0X Time of Flight distance sensor. It wraps the Adafruit libraries in Matlab compatible code.
Matlab - this extension is tested with R2017a and may or may not work with earlier versions
the Matlab hardware support package for Arduino
Arduino software
the Adafruit_VL53L0X libraries installed through Arduino
Put the extension somewhere on a drive and add it to Matlab with addpath; you can verify it was found with the listArduinoLibraries command.
Create an Arduino object in Matlab with
a = arduino('COM3','Uno','Libraries','Adafruit/VL53L0X')
(using your correct com port and board type.)
Create a sensor object with
v = addon(a,'Adafruit/VL53L0X')
Initialize the sensor before taking measurements
Now the device is ready to read distance
mm = rangeMilliMeter(v)