Python library and cli to communicate with DPUs and IPUs
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. We are happy to have the Community involved via submission of Issues and Pull Requests (with substantive content or even just fixes). We are hoping for the documents, test framework, etc. to become a community process with active engagement. PRs can be reviewed by by any number of people, and a maintainer may accept.
See CONTRIBUTING and GitHub Basic Process for more details.
There are several ways of running this CLI.
docker pull opiproject/pydpu:<version>
You can specify a version like 0.1.1
or use latest
to get the most up-to-date version.
Run latest version of the CLI in a container:
docker run -it --rm --network=host opiproject/pydpu:latest --help
Replace --help
with any pydpu
command, without pydpu
pip install pydpu
To get version, run:
$ pydpu --version
dpu, version 0.1.1
To communicate over redfish, run:
pydpu --address= redfish --username root --password 0penBmc test
To get inventory, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 inventory get
To create a tunnel, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 ipsec create-tunnel
To get statistics, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 ipsec stats
To create a subsystem, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 storage subsystem
To create a controller, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 storage controller
To create a namespace, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 storage namespace
To create a logical bridge, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 evpn bridge
To create a bridge port, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 evpn port
To create a vrf, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 evpn vrf
To create a svi, run:
pydpu --address=localhost:50151 evpn svi
This project uses poetry to manage dependencies, build, etc.
# Make sure you have dev dependencies installed
$ poetry install --group dev
# Use bump2version to update version strings and create a new tag
$ bump2version <patch|minor|major>
# Push new tag
$ git push --tags
# Create GitHub release
$ gh release create v$(poetry version -s) --generate-notes