A demo application using ASP.NET core 3.0 preview 4 to host a gRPC service. Authentication is setup with JWT tokens from Azure AD.
- open
and replaceDomain
with the values of an app registration from your own Azure AD tenant. - rebuild the solution
- run the server application
Run the client application from a command prompt:
GrpcAuthDemo\GrpcAuthDemo.Client\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\GrpcAuthDemo.Client.exe <server port> <use ssl (true/false)> <JWT token>
For example to run without SSL:
GrpcAuthDemo\GrpcAuthDemo.Client\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.0\GrpcAuthDemo.Client.exe 50051 false <JWT token>
This example is based on this blog post by Damien Bod