A Node.js implementation of the management protocol of Apple's AirPort devices.
As some properties use 64 bit numbers which are handled with ES2020 BigInts Node.js v12 is required.
node-acp is published to npm and GitHub Package Respository.
Install node-acp globally if you want to use the acp command.
# From registry.npmjs.com
npm install --global node-acp
# From npm.pkg.github.com
npm install --global --registry https://npm.pkg.github.com @samuelthomas2774/node-acp
Install node-acp locally if you want to use it as a dependency in your project.
# From registry.npmjs.com
npm install node-acp
import Client from 'node-acp';
const client = new Client('airport-base-station.local', 5009, 'testing');
await client.connect();
// If you don't call authenticate after connecting control messages will still work but they'll be sent unencrypted
// Basically, always call authenticate and wait for it to complete after connecting
await client.authenticate();
// ...
acp --host airport-base-station.local --password testing getprop syNm
acp --host airport-base-station.local --password testing setprop syNm "AirPort Base Station"
acp --host airport-base-station.local --password testing features
# This doesn't require authentication, but the admin password is required to enable encryption
acp --host airport-base-station.local --no-encryption features
acp --host airport-base-station.local --password testing reboot
# Download and validate firmware
curl -o firmware-120-7.9.1.basebinary http://apsu.apple.com/data/120/091-55931-20190530-b543691f-bb62-4017-96ca-288e4b0c8207/7.9.1.basebinary
[ "`cat firmware-120-7.9.1.basebinary | openssl dgst -sha256`" == "b6eb7068ef890ba1cae8cfe17a54be3811b77fe5eb918f3d9fda23b8ff7841d7" ] || exit 1
airport-firmware decrypt firmware-120-7.9.1.basebinary firmware-120-7.9.1-decrypted-1.basebinary
airport-firmware decrypt firmware-120-7.9.1-decrypted-1.basebinary firmware-120-7.9.1-decrypted-2.gzimg
airport-firmware extract firmware-120-7.9.1-decrypted-2.gzimg firmware-120-7.9.1-extracted.img