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This branch is 14 commits ahead of michelleswem/Frontend-Developer-test:main.

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  1. Create a simple Art institute page where users can see, search and view details of the ARTs
  • Upon entering the page there are arts of different categories displayed.
  • After entering a search term into the text input and clicking on the search button the app should query the Art API and display related Arts
  • onclick of any of the Arts, it should go to another page showing the details of the Art
  • The url is an example of how to access the API and an API key you can use.
  1. Write unit tests for the search field and the results list

  2. Add mechanics to make all results of the Art search available to the user


  • A pixel perfect UI(check the link to figma below)
  • You must implement state management of the app using redux or any other state management you are comfortable with aside local and React Context
  • You are free to choose whatever approach you like, but there should be obvious reasons.
  • Mobile and Larger screen responsiveness.

API DOC: Api Doc Link

User Interface link: Figma link