[pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate #536
coqbot-app / GitLab CI job pre-commit (branch)
Oct 7, 2024 in 0s
Test has failed on GitLab CI
This job has failed. If you need to, you can restart it directly in the GitHub interface using the "Re-run" button.
We show below the last 40 lines of the trace from GitLab (the complete trace is available here).
Running with gitlab-runner 17.4.0~pre.110.g27400594 (27400594)
on blue-5.saas-linux-small-amd64.runners-manager.gitlab.com/default -AzERasQ, system ID: s_4cb09cee29e2
Resolving secrets
Preparing the "docker+machine" executor
Using Docker executor with image dafyddj/ci-pre-commit:2.1.0 ...
Pulling docker image dafyddj/ci-pre-commit:2.1.0 ...
Using docker image sha256:82f907c0dc933d3399808bec52488d9b8e8d3a8596ab96e4ee8da0814dac0842 for dafyddj/ci-pre-commit:2.1.0 with digest dafyddj/ci-pre-commit@sha256:0675f3d1e1a2e6aef236848ed3396afb00c0b64ee3d4081d35374bfbd1f63299 ...
Preparing environment
Running on runner--azerasq-project-23134860-concurrent-0 via runner-azerasq-s-l-s-amd64-1728344206-543d2029...
Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/saltstack-formulas/salt-formula/.git/
Created fresh repository.
Checking out 3d902e5a as detached HEAD (ref is pre-commit-ci-update-config)...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"
Restoring cache
Checking cache for pre-commit-non_protected...
WARNING: file does not exist
Failed to extract cache
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:82f907c0dc933d3399808bec52488d9b8e8d3a8596ab96e4ee8da0814dac0842 for dafyddj/ci-pre-commit:2.1.0 with digest dafyddj/ci-pre-commit@sha256:0675f3d1e1a2e6aef236848ed3396afb00c0b64ee3d4081d35374bfbd1f63299 ...
$ pre-commit run --all-files --color always --verbose
An error has occurred: InvalidConfigError:
==> File .pre-commit-config.yaml
==> At Config()
==> At index 0
=====> Expected one of commit-msg, manual, post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, post-rewrite, pre-commit, pre-merge-commit, pre-push, pre-rebase, prepare-commit-msg but got: 'Nonepre-commitNone'
Check the log at /builds/saltstack-formulas/salt-formula/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1