My current tech stack: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, AWS, Docker, Zendesk
I am currently employed as Forward Deployed Software Engineer at a rapidly growing and successful tech start-up.
My current role involves software development at a rapid speed - sometimes I deliver custom feature requests within 24-48 hours, with the daily challenge of balancing speed, proficiency, clean code, and feasibility given the resources I have on any given day.
I am a strong communicator. I work daily with the support team, customer success managers, product team, core engineers and customers (who are typically engineering leaders in their own world) in order to understand and translate specific needs and pain points into a software driven solution.
Even though I work in an engineering world, my first love is for people. People are complicated, deep, complex, and a joy to work with. My speciality lies within the intersection of people and engineered solutions.
I also:
- Troubleshoot bugs and features alongside core engineering teams
- Being a customer facing software engineer, my team is the engineering team that is closest to the voice of the customer
- Touch on bits and pieces of the deployment pipeline like, Bugsnag, Docker, AWS, and more
- Must learn quickly what I don't know and translate that knowledge into words that a customer can easily understand
- Work well under pressure. I must always provide an answer and software driven solution for the customer and provide that in a calm, collected, and cheerful persona
- Work in service level agreements ranging from 24 hours out to one week. I work in a rapid and face paced environment, and I do it cheerfully with my team.
That's about what I do in a nutshell!
I'm happily employed.
If I've used it at least once it is listed below.
This means the below are a range of my skills from familiar to proficient. Please ask if you would like to know specifics!