KingViews where extracted from SalesKing( and consist of three different view helpers, KingForm( dl or labeled forms, enhanced inputs ), KingList( dl, tables ) and KingFormat( date, money, percent )
This stuff is not tested with rails 3.0 and testing is still stuck in SalesKing .. leaving space for forks.
You must use HAML for your views .. the cure for erb eye cancer
gem install king_views
Clean up your forms with helpers in rails haml views, with support for:
dl or labeled forms
shorter syntax for inputs
fieldset support (section)
labels auto translated when present in I18n or Gettext
info-text for auto translated info after each input
bundle a couple of inputs under one label or dt incl. css class based counter for the wrapper
based on rails action view helpers so all parameters are passed through(nearly all) to the original versions
Also see README in KingForm:
- dl_form_for @payment, :url => 'a path', :html => { :method => :post } do |f| -f.section do = f.hidden :lock_version = f.text :amount, :class => 'required', :value=> 'a custom val' = :date, :title => t(:'from'), :info=>'Help me' = f.selection :payment_method - f.bundle 'status' do = :new_status, :closed, :checked=>true %span=t(:'status.closed') = :new_status, :open %span= t(:'') -f.actions do = f.submit t(:'') = secondary_link_to t(:'link.cancel'), parent_path
Use KingList for an easy markup inside your lists and detail views. Its not as extensive as KingForm and only provides the following:
easy to use tables for listings
dl-helper for detail views
action_icons & action_buttons(forms) for css enabled icon markup
Also see README in KingList:
# Definition list for detail views - dl_for @invoice do |f| = :number = :date # auto-formated date field see KingFormat = :total # auto-formated money field see KingFormat # table with header-klick sorting disabled and icons in first column - table_for(@payments,{:sorting => false} ) do |t, payment| - t.action_column do = action_icon :edit, edit_payment_path(payment) = action_button 'delete', {:url=> 'some-path', :title => t(:'link.delete'), :method => :delete, :class=>'delete'} = t.column :date = t.column :amount, :td_options => {opt=>val}
Provides a semi-automatic formatting of date, money, percent fields. The field types are defined inside each model. And the view helpers will show a nice output.
Also see README
#define date fields you model definition class Invoice < ActiveRecord::Base has_date_fields :date, :valid_until has_money_fields :total, :price end # see above for usage in views
Copyright © 2009,2010 Georg Leciejewski, released under the MIT-LICENSE