Gym Project to Learn ASP.NET Core.
⚡️ This is Sample Project Which Does not Contain All Features.
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OneFitnessVue is simple gym application which has different ends in it such as User, Admin and Superadmin. OneFitnessVue this gym application with 3 roles in it.
- User
- Admin
- SuperAdmin
This is a counter application where user will be filling application of new member and collect payment same way will renew membership and refund payment if user suddenly don’t want membership. User also has rights to See Renewal Report.
If you look at the admin end, Admin has responsibility to see reports.
- Year wise
- Month wise
- Renewal
- Refund Along with report has rights to see Member details, Payment details, Renewal details and Refund details.
If you look at the superadmin end, superadmin has all application setting access.
- Menu
- Roles
- Creating Users
- Adding Workout
- Installment
- MembershipType
- General Settings
• ASP.NET Core 3.1 • Entity Framework Core 3.1
• Visual Studio 2019 • SQL Server 2019 • .NET Core SDK 3.1
Project Structure is simple to understand.
- Clone code from Github: git clone
- Open solution Frapper.Web.sln in Visual Studio 2019
- There are 1Database Scripts OneFitnessVueDBSample (Main Database) Download Database Script
- appsettings.json file update DatabaseConnection (OneFitnessVueDBSample Database) , AuditDatabaseConnection (OneFitnessVueDBSample Database)
- Run Database Script which is provided
- Make Changes in ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json file
- Build project which will restore all NuGet Packages
- Final Step Run Project
Default User Account
- Username: demouser
- Password: Pass@123
- AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection
- DNTCaptcha.Core
- EPPlus Version
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson Version
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation Version
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Version
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer Version
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design Version
- NLog.Web.AspNetCore Version
- Dapper Version
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures Version
- Microsoft.Data.SqlClient Version
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Version
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational Version
- System.Data.SqlClient Version
- System.Linq.Dynamic.Core Version
Saineshwar Bageri
Released under the MIT LICENSE