A simple and (hopefully) idiomatic Scala library for the Tumblr API. Provides all API functionality in native Scala code and objects (no json responses). See this post for some more background.
The latest version of tumblr4s is 1.0. To add it to your project using sbt, add the following to your build.sbt file:
libraryDependencies += "com.orrsella" %% "tumblr4s" % "1.0"
The library works with Scala 2.9.x and 2.10.0.
The following libraries are used:
Dispatch 0.8.9 ("dispatch-classic") for making HTTP requests (http, oauth and mime modules)
json4s 3.1.0 for json parsing (essentially "lift-json but outside of the lift project")
Working with the Tumblr API requires an API key (which is identical to the OAuth Consumer Key). If you don't have one go register an application. "API key" authenticated methods only require the API key, while "OAuth" authenticated methods also require the Secret Key and a user's access token key and access token secret (see the Authentication section for more details.)
The TumblrApi
class encapsulates all functionality found in the API. Construct it using the companion object:
import com.orrsella.tumblr4s._
val tumblr = TumblrApi(apiKey) // without OAuth capabilities
val tumblr = TumblrApi(apiKey, apiSecret, accessTokenKey, accessTokenSecret) // with OAuth capabilities
If you'll try to use an OAuth required method without the credentials supplied (first example), you'll get a TumblrApiOAuthException
All methods mirror the available API functionality and have similar names. Here are some examples, with partial parameters (many more are available):
import com.orrsella.tumblr4s.model._
try {
val baseHostname = "staff.tumblr.com" // a standard or custom blog hostname, see:
// http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2#hostname
val blog: Blog = tumblr.getBlogInfo(baseHostname)
val followers: BlogFollowers = tumblr.getBlogFollowers(baseHostname, limit = 20, offset = 60)
val post: Post = tumblr.getBlogPost(37192020774L, baseHostname)
val posts: Seq[Post] = tumblr.getDraftPosts(baseHostname)
val user: User = tumblr.getUserInfo() // user == the authenticated OAuth user (not some public blog)
val dashboard: Seq[Post] = tumblr.getUserDashboard(postType = QuotePostType, includeNotesInfo = true)
// ...
} catch {
case TumblrApiOAuthException() => // tried to invoke an OAuth required method without needed credentials
case TumblrApiException(400, message, contents, cause) => // Bad Request
case TumblrApiException(401, message, contents, cause) => // Unauthorized
case TumblrApiException(404, message, contents, cause) => // Not Found
// ...
case _ => // unknown error
try {
val params1 = new TextPostParams(baseHostname, "Some Title", "Some <b>body</b>", DraftPostState, ...)
val postId: Long = tumblr.post(params1)
// update the created post and publish:
val params2 = new TextPostParams(baseHostname, "Other Title", "Diff body", PublishPostState)
val updatedPostId = tumblr.editPost(postId, params2) // updatedPostId == postId
val deletedPostId = tumblr.deletePost(postId, baseHostname)
val photos: Seq[String] = List("/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2")
val photoParams = new PhotoPostParams(baseHostname, data = photos) // see known issues regarding photos
val photoPostId = tumblr.post(photoParams)
tumblr.like(9666523557L, "ipd0veky")
// ...
The TumblrApi
class uses the Scala Cake Pattern to inject HTTP functionality via the HttpClient
trait. This is mainly so you can easily use a different library, user-agent string, introduce throttling or proxy, etc. in its implementation. It also helps with testing.
Constructing TumblrApi
from its companion object (as shown above) automatically mixes in DispatchHttpClient
, which – as you can imagine – uses Dispatch for its implementation. If you'd like to implement your own version of HttpClient
, simply do it like this:
import com.orrsella.tumblr4s.http.{HttpClient, HttpMethod}
trait MyHttpClient extends HttpClient {
def makeRequest(
method: HttpMethod,
requestUrl: String,
params: Map[String, String],
files: Map[String, String]): String = sys.error("Not Implemented")
def makeOAuthRequest(
method: HttpMethod,
requestUrl: String,
params: Map[String, String],
files: Map[String, String],
consumerKey: String,
consumerSecret: String,
accessKey: String,
accessSecret: String): String = sys.error("Not Implemented")
val myTumblr = new TumblrApi(apiKey) with MyHttpClient
- The Tumblr API documentation for posting photos states that the
parameter in the/post
request can be "One or more image files (submit multiple times to create a slide show)" and is of type "Array (URL-encoded binary contents)". However, this functionality does not seem to work, no matter which approached was tried for the multi-file upload. It seems that the first file is the only one used. Regardless, the multi-file implementation was still kept (asSeq[String]
), so future attempts to fix this problem won't change the library's public API. For the time being, know that only the first image file in a PhotoPostParams request will be used. If you are able to fix this, or have an idea on how to, please let me know.
Any comments/suggestions? Let me know what you think – I'd love to hear from you. Send pull requests, issues or contact me: @orrsella and orrsella.com
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Copyright (c) 2012 Orr Sella
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.