A python wrapper for the greatest graphic library raylib.
raypyc uses type annotations in its source, so a Python version that supports it is required.
the fastest way to use raypyc is by using the pip install command:
pip install raypyc
python -m pip install raypyc
using raypyc is really simple, take a look at an example:
raylib [core] example - Basic Window
from raypyc import *
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Program main entry point
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
# Initialization
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
init_window(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, b"raylib [core] example - basic window")
# TODO: Load resources / Initialize variables at this point
set_target_fps(60) # Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main game loop
while not window_should_close(): # Detect window close button or ESC key
# Update
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Update variables / Implement example logic at this point
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Draw
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
draw_text(b"Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, LIGHTGRAY)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# De-Initialization
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Unload all loaded resources at this point
close_window() # Close window and OpenGL context
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Execute the main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
Below are the differences in usage between raylib and raypyc.
All C typeof enum
s got translated to Python 'constants'. Enums got translated to
Python enums.
In general, all structures inherit from ctypes.Structure
class. At the moment, all the structures have a setters &
firstly, Contributions of any kind welcome!.
secondly, here are some of the things that contributing on will help this wrapper the most:
- porting examples from c to python(if you can, please follow along with the conventions when porting). ( C examples, Python examples)
- fixing(refactoring) my fileGeneration, so it will look neater...
- making the wrapper able to port to more operating systems
- wrapping more c raylib header to this library[^2]
[^2] NOTE: at least for now, all the non-functions wrapper stuff need be implemented in the filesGeneration.py file, and all the functions wrapper stuff need be implemented in the raypyc/__ init__.py
thanks to raysun5, pyraylib and pyray for their good work, I took all the inspiration (and some code ;) ) from them, so thanks you guys very much. also a big thanks for the people that helped to test and reviewing the library :)!!!
also a special thanks to Peter0x44, Its-Kenta, sol-vin, pmp-p and stucotso.