Project aimed to provide set of utilities to scrape some useful information from UpWork. I develop it according to my personal need but if you have an idea feel free to create an issue.
It's a ipython notebook with some data analysis. I am planning to add more analysis here, but at this point correlation analysis was made (the bigger the absolute value of the coefficient the better):
data.combinedTotalEarnings 0.015510
data.combinedTotalRevenue 0.016040
data.hourlyRate.amount -0.418419
data.nss100 -0.622634
data.recno 0.262488
data.totalFpJobs -0.209804
data.totalHourlyJobs -0.363204
data.totalHoursBilled -0.297878
data.totalPassedTests -0.291060
data.totalPortfolioItems -0.055847
page 0.999421
rank 1.000000
As you can see your earnings (data.combinedTotalEarnings
and data.combinedTotalRevenue
) and number of items in your protfolio (data.totalPortfolioItems
) do not affect your rank a lot. Your success score (data.nss100
) is the most valuable parameter in terms of your rank.
UpWork values fixed-price jobs (data.totalFpJobs
) more than hourly-paid jobs (data.totalHourlyJobs
). And the number of your hourly-paid jobs (data.totalHourlyJobs
) is more imortant than how many hours you worked (data.totalHoursBilled
The surprise to me that the number of tests passed (data.totalPassedTests
) is as important as your hours billed (data.totalHoursBilled
). But when the correlation coefficient module is so small we cannot be sure enough. Nevertheless I am going to try to pass more tests.
Your hourly rate (data.hourlyRate.amount
) also has a big correlation but it is a consequence of your rank not a reason (I hope). It is fun to notice that your id (data.recno
) also matters, but I believe in the least.
There are scatter plots and histograms for all columns correlation of rank was calculated with. Here is the example of scatter plot (rank is on Y axis and your success score (data.nss100
) is on X axis):
Here is the histogram of the number of passed tests:
It's a simle scraper that helps you to determine your place (rank) in UpWork freelancers search in terms of particular query. Here is an example of how to check the rank of my agency on UpWork (blue underlined link):
> scrapy runspider -a profile_id="~0140676ee0e4006401" -a query="telegram bot" -a page_limit=10 -o telegram_bot.json
2018-10-23 19:45:55 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 1.5.1 started (bot: scrapybot)
2018-10-23 19:45:58 [scrapy.core.engine] INFO: Spider closed (Your profile rank is 26. You are at page 3:
Let's go to the link and check the results (I recomend you to be logged out and use incognito mode of your browser):
You should use your agency profile_id
if your are agency freelancer otherwise you should use your personal profile_id
. You can get profile id from these links:
Here is my personal profile:
Here is my agency profile:
Since I am an agency freelancer I am using it as a parameter for the scraper.
is a search query what you want to check, telegram bot
UpWork limits the page number at 500 although there maybe more freelancers. But if you don't want to scrape so many pages you can use page_limit
In addition to determining your place in the search results scraper also saves some data about all scraped freelancers in the output file. Here it is telegram_bot.json