Code for running ND parameterized reconstruction and making CAFs
source in this directory initially. This will get external dependencies edep-sim and nusystematics and compile them locally.
Set up software at fermilab with
Running is done with which can be called with jobsub_submit --group dune --role=Analysis -N 100 --OS=SL7 --expected-lifetime=12h --memory=2000MB file:// HORN FIRSTRUN POT OFFAXIS FLUX where HORN is FHC or RHC FIRSTRUN is the first run number you want POT is the POT per job, suggest ~1e16 for a ~6hr job using dk2nu OFFAXIS is the off-axis position of the ND, in meters FLUX is either gsimple or dk2nu; gsimple is faster for on-axis running, but dk2nu is recommended for off-axis
This script will get tarballs of pre-compiled binaries from the /pnfs/dune/persistent/users/LBL_TDR area. If you want to update the code, it is recommended that you make new tarballs, put them in /pnfs, and modify the grid script to use your new ones.