bson-adt-mongo-async | bson-adt-mongo | bson-adt-casbah | bson-adt-mongo2 | bson-adt-core | bson-adt (legacy) |
A closed generic algebraic data type for Bson serialization and deserialization in Scala
This library works a lot like the play-json library, but for BSON, the document storage format used by MongoDB.
In short, an algebraic data type (ADT) is just a way of defining a closed set of values, kind of like an enumeration. The only difference between an ADT and an enumeration is that an ADT can assign differently structured data and operations based on the type of each value in the closed set.
In Bson, there are the following types (and more!):
- An array ofBsonValue
- An array ofByte
- Eithertrue
- A joda DateTimeBsonInt
- AnInt
- ALong
- Thenull
reference valueBsonDouble
- A floating pointDouble
- A key-value pair map ofString
property names toBsonValue
- AnObjectId
as defined by MongoBsonRegex
- A regular expression (ie.Regex
- AString
of charactersBsonUndefined
- (deprecated) The value of a reference that was not previously defined
Note there are other types in the spec, but this library currently only defines the types mentioned above.
All of these values extend from BsonValue
, and are two generic subclasses of value:
extend fromBsonContainer
- All others are leaf values that extend from
The purpose of this library is to define the common format of BsonValue
s in Scala code, so that multiple drivers for
MongoDB (or some other BSON based database) can be used without needing to redefine the structure of the objects being
All serializers are bound by type. This works out well in practice as case classes are a great way to define data structures and they provide a named type handle.
To create a BsonValue
without a serializer is easy.
import adt.bson.Bson
// For a BsonObject:
"name" -> "Batman",
"age" -> 42
// For a BsonArray:
Bson.arr(1, 2, 3)
// For a BsonPrimitive:
// etc
Note that the Bson.obj
and Bson.arr
methods are able to tell at compile-time which values can be converted safely to
s. This is done by having an implicit BsonWrites
in scope for the type of value.
In order to create a new BsonWrites
, which can then be used by a library specific to your database driver to write
transfer the value.
case class User(name: String, age: Int)
implicit val writer = BsonWrites[User] { user =>
"name" ->,
"age" -> user.age
// Then to use it
val batman = User("Batman", 42)
assert(Bson.toBson(batman) == writer.write(batman))
Note that this will of course compose:
"user" -> batman
And some things compose implicitly for your special type X
So long as you have an implicit BsonWrites[X]
, Map[String, X]
and and subclass of Traversable[X]
automatically serializable through the power of implicits.
Great, so now we can write to the database. How do we read from it?
Why with a BsonReads
of course!
implicit val reader = BsonReads[User] { bson =>
val name = (bson \ "name").as[String]
val age = (bson \ "age").as[Int]
User(name, age)
Note that the following calls will throw an exception if the format is wrong. However, if you control the format of what is in your database, then throwing an exception is probably reasonable.
In future versions, this may change to use a monad to collect any validation failures, and allow the implementer to decide how they want to handle each case of failure.
And, of course, BsonReads[X]
will implicitly allow reading a Map[String, X]
and any subclass of Traversable[X]
And last, but not least, is the BsonFormat
. It is both a BsonWrites
and a BsonReads
and the rules o
If you would like to be able to write your BsonObject
s using Casbah, you can import adt.bson.casbah.syntax._
enable interoperability and syntactic sugar.
// to convert from a BsonValue to a value that is safe for the Casbah driver
val bson: BsonValue = ???
collection.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> ???), dbValue(bson))
// to convert a value from Casbah into a BsonValue
collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> ???)).map(document => bsonValue(document))
// however, you might want this as a BsonObject, since all documents are going to be objects
collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> ???)).map(document => bsonObject(document))
// there is also the following syntactic sugar
collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> ???)).map(_.toBsonObject)
// extracting the right type from a `BsonValue` is pretty simple at this point
collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> ???)).map([T])
// if you want to fail silently on bad format, you could also flatten
collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> ???)).flatMap(_.toBsonObject.asOpt[T])
If you want to extract specific values from Mongo without converting to BsonValue
first, you can use the
that are provided by importing Casbah Syntax.
collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> ???)) map {
case DBList(list) =>
list collect {
case DBDate(date) => date
case _ => Seq.empty[DateTime]
While this gives you access to the underlying code for potential performance benefits or writing helper code,
it is probably best to just convert to BsonValue
and operate on that. It will be safer and more reusable.
If you are operating directly with MongoDB, you can use import adt.bson.mongodb.syntax._
instead. It is just
like the Casbah Syntax (see above section) except that it returns the MongoDB driver version of BasicDBObject
and BasicDBList
This mainly exists so that you can exclude the transitive dependency of Casbah.
Coming soon...