- Make sure you have an AWS account and a VPC with at least on public subnet as well an an ssh keypair; also look up your own IP to enter for the
from which the server can be accessed via ssh - Make sure you have a steam account
- Make sure the steam account has a phone number attached
- Create a game server license for App ID 730
- log into your AWS console
- Click this stacklauncher.cloud button
- Fill in parameters as needed
- clone this repo
- create a parameter file like this called
- fill in the values and save ...[ { "ParameterKey": "SshAccessFromThisCidrOnly", "ParameterValue": "x.x.x.x/32" }, { "ParameterKey": "CSGOVpcId", "ParameterValue": "vpc-12345567890" }, { "ParameterKey": "CSGOSubnetId", "ParameterValue": "subnet-12345567890" }, { "ParameterKey": "SshKeyName", "ParameterValue": "my-ssh-key" }, { "ParameterKey": "CSGOServerToken", "ParameterValue": "STEAMSERVERTOKEN" }, { "ParameterKey": "CSGOServerPassword", "ParameterValue": "p@ssw0rd" }, { "ParameterKey": "CSGOServerName", "ParameterValue": "p@ssw0rd" } ]
- launch the stack via the CLI (you can also do this via the console but then you have to enter the parameters manually)
aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name csgotest \ --template-body file://csgo-server.yaml \ --parameters file://csgo-server-params.json \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete \ --stack-name csgotest
- once the cloudformation stack finishes building you can ssh to the machine and check on installation progress in
less /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
. Note that the maps download takes a long time. - after the download finishes a CS:GO server should be started automatically. The server should also restart on reboot.
- to change the startup configuration edit
. In particular you might want to add+sv_tags
to make it easier to find your server - to see the server log output check
Follow this: https://medium.com/@alihusseinat/how-to-setup-a-counter-strike-go-dedicated-server-on-aws-5ca80e2acf4f
- if you are security conscious, build a new VPC to isolate the instance
- pick m5.large (t3 is too slow)
- 50GB of disk space (server download is 28GB)
- pick newest ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- give it an elastic IP
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0:i386
as per ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux#7036 before steamcmd- if shit goes wrong clear the steam cache with
rm .steam/appcache/packageinfo.vdf .steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf
as per https://www.reddit.com/r/playrust/comments/c3q3zh/error_timed_out_waiting_for_appinfo_update/ - fix startup commandline
- as per https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=300773 add a password to startup command
- as per https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=300182 remove -nobots
- as per https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/4432 change mapgroup to random_classic
@reboot /home/ubuntu/csgosv/srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup random_classic +map de_dust2 +sv_setsteamaccount <your_login_token> +sv_password <password> -net_port_try 1
- docs
sudo -- sh -c 'dpkg --add-architecture i386; add-apt-repository multiverse; apt-get update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade'
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0:i386
# This requires manually accepting steam license ...
sudo apt-get install -y steamcmd