Auto Ysoserial is a simple script to run all ysoserial payloads with a custom Burp Collaborator (or similar) link, in order to test all de payloads in a easy way (with Intruder for example) and only get info from the payloads that succeed in the attack.
Commands will be crafted to generate a custom DNS request with the information of the de-serialization payload used. So,
in collaborator (or others), you will see request with something like <usedMethod>.<collaboratorId>
Hopefully this will help you to test in a easy way all possible payloads and identify possible ways to exploit
unsafe Java object deserialization
Use the package manager pip to install foobar.
pip install auto-ysoserial
$ auto-ysoserial -h
usage: auto-ysoserial [-h] -c COLLABORATOR -o OUT [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Burp Collaborator hostname
-o OUT, --out OUT Output file for intruder
-d, --debug Set debug info
Output file will contain all payloads (one per line) encoded in base64. You sould use Burp Intruder preprocessors (or similar) to fit your needs.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.