Python Script to export Postgis tables using GDAL
- Put this Repo in a good location in your computer and get the repo location
- First configure the programm in ~/.bashrc
- The repo location getting on step 1, switch in "/path/to/dir/"
echo export PATH=/path/to/dir/:PATH >> ~/.bashrc
- Execute:
source ~/.bashrc [-h/--help] [-u/--user] [-w/--password] [-H/--host] [-p/--port] [-d/--database] [-t/--table]
[-f/--file] [-F/--function] [-n/--new] [-y/--drive] [t_srs]
- -h/--help : Manual
- -u/--user : Database username
- -w/--password : Database username's password
- -H/--host : Ip/ Host ( Default 'localhost' )
- -p/--port : Database Port ( Default: 5432)
- -d/--database : Database Name -- -- mandatory
- -t/--table : "schema.table" to Export
- -n/--new : "schema.table" name to Import
- -f/--file : "example.json" If you want to export or import many tables, use this parameter with the path of .json file
- -F/--function : ['Export' / 'Import'] -- -- mandatory
- -y/--drive : [ 'GPKG'/ 'GEOJSON' ] In Export Functions set the file data type -- -- mandatory
- -t_srs : System Reference ( Default : 'EPSG:4674' )
1. Import/Export Many files in one execution:
The file is the same of example.json, but can be anywhere on your machine