A Python library for all things RoutedBits.
Install this library via Git:
pip install https://github.com/routedbits/routedbits-python.git
Install after cloning this repository:
git clone https://github.com/routedbits/routedbits-python.git
cd routedbits-python
pip install .
Use in requirements.txt
routedbits @ git+https://github.com/routedbits/routedbits-python.git
- Retrieve the current list of nodes:
from routedbits import RoutedBits
a = RoutedBits()
a.nodes() # Returns a list of dicts
- Retrieve a router by its friendly name:
from routedbits import RoutedBits
{'city': 'Dallas, TX, US', 'flag': '🇺🇸', 'fqdn': 'router.dal1.routedbits.com', 'hostname': 'router.dal1', 'name': 'dal1', 'tunnel_ipv4_address': '', 'tunnel_ipv6_address': {'link_local': 'fe80::207', 'ula': 'fdb1:e72a:343d::5'}, 'wireguard_public_key': '8clbJPxK5ylOhFDNGdn/CL5zRWQdf7rXbLeF7j8czFI='}
If you update any dependencies required outside of development, be sure to update the requirements in pyproject.toml
This project is Linted via workflow by black
and flake8
. To install them
and lint before pushing to GitHub:
$ pip install black flake8
$ black .
$ flake8