- A full secured user Authetication system. Users can sign in using email and can login back to profile and dashboard.
- Can Add their cycle for other to use. Can upload picture of cycle (that will store on cloudinary), Pickup location and other details with time period in which cycle is available.
- Users can book that cycle with suitable pickup point and time.
- Can cahrge upto INR 30 per hour for using cycle.
- NodeJS, Express for Backend (for managing DataBase and Server)
- HTML and EJS for View Template (for rendering server date to client)
- jQuery for client side Scripting (for animation and client functions)
- MySQL for DataBases (to storing user and cycle details)
- Cloudinary for storing Media (images) on cloud
- Other services : Multer (File uploaded to server), bcryptjs (Password hasher)
download zip or git clone this repo
cd cycle-sharing
npm install
Change /routes/addCycle.js Cloudinary api and secret key to your api key
npm start
And go to http://localhost:3000
Please Contact me if you have any issue. Email-id : [email protected]