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Welcome to Newzery πŸ‘‹

Version License: GPLv3 Deploy

image : imagery : : news : newzery!

✨ Demo

πŸ“ Features

  • Convert any web article into a short video.

  • Video length of your choice.

  • End to end, send URL to the messenger bot, and get the video!

πŸ’‘ Motivation

Assuming that advertising revenue is a reasonable proxy for attention, it turns out that humans like pictures more than text, and moving pictures most of all; so it has gone on the Internet.[source]

πŸš€ Building

  • Clone this repository : git clone

  • Install the dependencies : pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • Create a facebook page, add the messenger plugin to this page with your developer account to generate the access token. Save this token to ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.

  • Download the ngrok binary and run ./ngrok http 5000

  • Save a string of your choice as VERIFY_TOKEN environment variable.

  • Run python

  • Configure the webhook: Enter the https URL of the ngrok forwarded port as the callback URL, and set verify token to the value in VERIFY_TOKEN.

  • Let the callback URL be verified, and you are ready to roll.


πŸ‘€ Rohit Ner


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used.

πŸ“ License

Copyright Β© 2020 Rohit Ner.
This project is GPL licensed.