REST service for creating timetables similar to Gantt diagrams
/timelines | list timelines | create new timeline | - | - | - |
/timelines/{tid} | get information about timeline with {tid} id | - | update informations about timeline with {tid} id | partially update informations about timeline with {tid} id | delete timeline with {tid} id and all related events, rows, columns |
/timelines/{tid}/events | list events for timeline with {tid} id | create new event for timeline with {tid} id | - | - | - |
/timelines/{tid}/events/{eid} | get information about event with {eid} id | - | update information about event with {eid} id | partially update informations about event with {eid} id | delete event with {eid} id |
/timelines/{tid}/rows/ | list rows informations for timeline with {tid} id | create new row for timeline with {tid} id | - | - | - |
/timelines/{tid}/rows/{rid} | get information about row with {rid} id | - | update information about row with {rid} id | partially update informations about row with {rid} id | delete row with {rid} id and events, that belong to row |
/timelines/{tid}/rows/{rid}/events | list events for row with {rid} id | - | - | - | - |
/timelines/{tid}/categories/ | list categories informations for timeline with {tid} id | create new category for timeline with {tid} id | - | - | - |
/timelines/{tid}/categories/{cid} | get information about category with {cid} id | - | update information about category with {cid} id | partially update informations about category with {cid} id | delete category with {cid} id and events, that belong to category |
/timelines/{tid}/categories/{cid}/events | list events for categories with {cid} id | - | - | - | - |
/category-transfers | - | transfer category and related events to different timeline (assignments to rows are removed) | - | - | - |
database configuration can be found in ormconfig.json
npm run dev:tsc & npm run dev:watch
npm run build