Provides s6 init system via s6-overlay in addition to that provided by robwdux/alpine-base
See below for help with the s6 init system
Addons available selectively during build. Assisting applications include:
- telegraf for exporting metrics (e.g. read a stats endpoint and stream to influxdb or another of the supported outputs)
- consul-template for dynamic configuration (requires consul)
Alpine Linux base image plus s6 init system
Control the initialization, runtime and shutdown of containers through multi stage init.
- process supervision, especially for assisting processes
- reap defunct "zombie" processes (specifically for applications that spawn additional processes), mitigating a full process table
3 Stage Init system
Stage 1:
- s6-init setup
Stage 2:
- container initialization - execute code prior to starting services, e.g. apply runtime configuration
- process supervision - start and supervise defined services under the service directory
Stage 3:
- container shutdown - execute code prior to service(s) being stopped
FROM robwdux/alpine-init
Processes should not daemonize, but run in foreground under supervision of the init system
Processes should log to standard error and standard out
Leverage the docker log driver to stream logs off the host without incurring the i/o hit on disk.
Interactively test commands and such then record in a Dockerfile for a new project
# add short alias for docker-compose
echo "alias dc='docker-compose '" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
# the repo
git clone
cd docker-alpine-init/
# build and run (image doesn't exist locally)
dc run --rm -ti init bash
# build explicitly
dc build
# build with meta data via build args for git info
sudo ./
# view meta data
$ docker inspect --format '{{ json .Config.Labels }}' robwdux/alpine-init: | jq
sudo docker run --rm -it \
--name init \
robwdux/docker-alpine-init \
sudo docker run -d \
--name init \
robwdux/docker-alpine-init \
ping && \
sudo docker exec -it init sh
# in container
bash-4.3# ps
1 root 0:00 s6-svscan -t0 /var/run/s6/services
21 root 0:00 foreground if /etc/s6/init/init-stage2-redirfd foreground if if s6-echo -n -- [s6-init] making
22 root 0:00 s6-supervise s6-fdholderd
26 root 0:00 foreground s6-setsid -gq -- with-contenv ping import -u ? if s6-echo -- ping exited ${?} foreground redirfd
99 root 0:00 /bin/busybox ping
100 root 0:00 bash
106 root 0:00 ps
bash-4.3# ps -o user,group,comm,pid,ppid
root root s6-svscan 1 0
root root foreground 21 1
root root s6-supervise 22 1
root root foreground 26 21
root root busybox 99 26
root root bash 100 0
root root ps 105 100