This repository contains code for the simulator for the event AugHit conducted during Robotix 2015, Kshitij at IIT Kharagpur. (
The simulator has been built using OpenCV on C++ with Box2D Wrapper for Physics and simulations.
- OpenCV (2.4.9 or later)
- Box2D
- CMake (>2.6)
To run the game:
$ git clone
$ cd aughit
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
You will find all the required binaries in the 'build' folder.
- Simple round with fixed number of static bricks.
For Semi-Circular:
$ ./Round1Circular 1
For Rectangular:
$ ./Round1Rectangular 1
Where 1 is the Camera Index. By default it is 0.
- Has false bricks whose ID's can be passed as command-line arguments to the binary.
For Semi-Circular:
$ ./Round2Circular 0 3 5 7
For Rectangular:
$ ./Round2Rectangular 0 3 5 7
- Here, as before, 0 is the Camera Index. (3, 5, 7) are the ID's of the bricks to be declared as false.
- Has moving bricks also.
For Semi-Circular:
$ ./Round3Circular 0 3 5 7
For Rectangular:
$ ./Round3Rectangular 0 3 5 7
The dimensions of the game, scaling factor, number of static bricks, number of moving bricks, number of corners, size of the corners are all defined in the Constants.h file. Change accordingly to tweak the game!
Use to clear the video buffer: (Usage Below)
$ ./