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Autonomous Navigation with TurtleBot3 in Gazebo

Task Overview

This task involves using TurtleBot3 for autonomous navigation in a Gazebo simulation environment using ROS default planners. The steps include creating a map of the environment, traversing autonomously from point A to point B, and visualizing the robot's environment using RViz.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup
  3. Mapping the Environment
  4. Autonomous Navigation
  5. Results
  6. Images
  7. References


Ensure you have the following software installed:

  • ROS (Robot Operating System)
  • Gazebo
  • TurtleBot3 packages
  • Git


Clone the project repository:

git clone
cd Task_1_Autonomous_Navigation

Install Required Packages

Make sure all dependencies are installed. If not, follow these steps:

  1. Install ROS and TurtleBot3 Packages:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-desktop-full
    sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-turtlebot3 ros-noetic-turtlebot3-simulations
  2. Set Up Workspace:

    mkdir -p ~/ws/src
    cd ~/ws/
    source devel/setup.bash

Mapping the Environment

  1. Launch Gazebo World and TurtleBot3:

    export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
    roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch
  2. Creating and saving the map:

    • Mapping the environment manually with teleoperation proved to be a bulky task to me. Hence, I used a plugin which creates 2D occupancy map of the world at a given height

    • To include the plugin, add the following line in between the tags of your Gazebo world file:

      <plugin name='gazebo_occupancy_map' filename=''>
          <map_resolution>0.1</map_resolution> <!-- in meters, optional, default 0.1 -->
          <map_height>0.3</map_height>         <!-- in meters, optional, default 0.3 -->
          <map_size_x>100</map_size_x>          <!-- in meters, optional, default 10 -->
          <map_size_y>100</map_size_y>          <!-- in meters, optional, default 10 -->
          <init_robot_x>0</init_robot_x>          <!-- x coordinate in meters, optional, default 0 -->
          <init_robot_y>0</init_robot_y>          <!-- y coordinate in meters, optional, default 0 -->
    • To generate the map, call the /gazebo_2Dmap_plugin/generate_map ros service:

      rosservice call /gazebo_2Dmap_plugin/generate_map
    • The generated map is published on the /map2d ros topic.

    • You can use the map_saver node from the map_server package inside ros navigation to save your generated map to a .pgm and .yaml file:

      rosservice call /gazebo_2Dmap_plugin/generate_map
      rosrun map_server map_saver -f hospital /map:=/map2d
    • The last map generated with the /gazebo_2Dmap_plugin/generate_map call is saved.

Autonomous Navigation

  1. Launch Navigation with the Saved Map:

    export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
    roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/hospital.yaml
  2. Set Initial Pose and Goal in RViz:

    Use RViz to set the initial pose of the robot and the goal location for autonomous navigation.


  • Mapping:

    • A complete map of the environment will be created .
  • Autonomous Navigation:

    • The robot will autonomously navigate from point A to point B using the generated map and default planners.


Map of the hospital

Map of the Hospital

Autnomous Navigation in Progress

Autonomous Navigation in Progress



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