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My open notebook about Flutter and App development

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🚀 Leorigna's Flutter Notebook

Welcome to my open notebook for Flutter! Here, I'll be compiling notes, code snippets, and useful information as I continue learning and using Flutter. Let's build amazing apps together! 🌟

Last update: 26 August 2024

📚 Table of Contents

🧩 Template Setup

Get started with this template in two easy steps:

  1. Download this repository
  2. Run the setup script:
chmod +x
./ "My App Name"

Once the script is done, you can start your project with:

  • Install FVM and remember to set the Flutter SDK path to the one inside the FVM folder (eg path/flutter_notebook/my_template/.fvm/flutter_sdk)
  • Create the .env file with the environment variables in the root folder (see .env.example)
  • Run fvm dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs to generate the code
  • Edit or delete the project file

🔧 New Flutter Project Setup

Starting a Project

Begin your Flutter journey with a clean slate:

flutter create project_name --empty

Installing Essential Libraries

Supercharge your project with these must-have packages:

Click to expand the list of essential libraries
# Linting
flutter pub add dev:very_good_analysis dev:custom_lint

# State management: Riverpod
flutter pub add flutter_riverpod riverpod_annotation
flutter pub add dev:riverpod_generator dev:riverpod_lint

# Data classes: Freezed
flutter pub add freezed_annotation json_annotation
flutter pub add dev:build_runner dev:freezed dev:json_serializable

# Routing
flutter pub add auto_route dev:auto_route_generator

# Style
flutter pub add flex_color_scheme google_fonts

# Logging 
flutter pub add flutter_bugfender #todo signup and get key

# Environment variables
flutter pub add envied dev:envied_generator

# Icons and Splash Screen generators
flutter pub add dev:flutter_launcher_icons dev:flutter_native_splash

# Misc
flutter pub add package_info_plus universal_platform shared_preferences permission_handler 

# Translation
flutter pub add easy_localization flutter_localization

# Utils
flutter pub add flutter_gen_runner flutter_svg collection

# Other
flutter pub add share_plus url_launcher

Setting Up Linting

Ensure code quality with this analysis_options.yaml:

Click to view the linting configuration
include: package:very_good_analysis/analysis_options.yaml

    strict-casts: true
    strict-inference: true
    strict-raw-types: true

    close_sinks: ignore
    missing_required_param: error
    missing_return: error
    record_literal_one_positional_no_trailing_comma: error
    collection_methods_unrelated_type: warning
    unrelated_type_equality_checks: warning

    - "**/*.g.dart"
    - "**/*.freezed.dart"
    - test/.test_coverage.dart
    - lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart

    - custom_lint

    public_member_api_docs: false
    prefer_single_quotes: false
    no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers: false

Disable Other Platforms

Optimize your build process by disabling unused platforms:

flutter config --no-enable-web
rm -rf web

Using FVM

Manage Flutter versions like a pro with FVM and Sidekick:

fvm use stable
# or
fvm use 3.20.0

Setting Up FlutterFire

FlutterFire CLI is a command-line tool that helps you set up Firebase in your Flutter projects:

After installing the FlutterFire CLI, run the following command to set up Firebase in your project:

flutterfire configure

This will create a firebase_options.dart file in your project containing the Firebase options for the platform you are building for.

In your flutter app main.dart you can simply use:

import 'firebase_options.dart';

// ...

await Firebase.initializeApp(
  options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,

🎨 Android Studio Tips

Hiding Unnecessary Files

Keep your project view clean with these file nesting patterns:


Create a Flutter Scope

Streamline your searches with a custom Flutter scope:


Happy coding! 🎉 If you find this notebook helpful, don't forget to star the repo and share it with your fellow Flutter enthusiasts!