Releases: rhpds/sandbox
Releases · rhpds/sandbox
What's Changed
- Use new fork of aws-nuke by @fridim in #83
- Fix ansible deprecation warnings by @fridim in #84
- OcpSandbox: Fix credentials output when empty/nil by @fridim in #87
- Adding health check for ocp shared cluster by @agonzalezrh in #86
- conan: fix ongoing cleanup errors by @fridim in #85
- Conan performance improvements by @fridim in #88
- Enable profiling (http/pprof) by @fridim in #89
- Adding UsageNodeSelector (usage_node_selector) to calculate usage by @agonzalezrh in #92
- Fix updateConf handler for UsageNodeSelector by @fridim in #93
- Add scripts to sandbox-admin image by @fridim in #94
- Create CephBlockPoolRadosNamespace for OCPV clusters by @agonzalezrh in #97
- Remove kerberos/ipa integration by @jkupferer in #99
- First ddns approach by @agonzalezrh in #100
- Fix aws-nuke staling when there are a lot of S3Objects by @fridim in #101
- Fix OcpSandbox Lifecycle not yet implemented by @fridim in #102
- Dont break in providerLoop ocp_sandbox.go by @agonzalezrh in #106
- Fix selectedCluster by @agonzalezrh in #107
- Fix Creation of AWS Sandboxes + Containerize by @fridim in #103
- fix: Enable golden images for already added accounts by @aleixhub in #109
- sandbox creation: Add RHSM reg for Gold images by @fridim in #110
- Add a test to ensure Vault value is correct by @fridim in #111
- Remove non-needed log info by @agonzalezrh in #108
- sandbox.admin: Add python requests by @fridim in #96
- [RFE] Adding affinity for clusters by @agonzalezrh in #104
- [RFE] First version of DNSSandbox by @agonzalezrh in #112
- [DNSSandbox] Update swagger.yaml by @agonzalezrh in #120
- Add jenkins pipeline for functional tests by @fridim in #121
- [RFE] Adding IBM resource group by @agonzalezrh in #122
- Jenkins: Detect available ports by @fridim in #123
- Prioritization and fallback for OcpSandbox using CloudPreference by @fridim in #125
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- Add OcpSandbox kind by @agonzalezrh in #55
- Add more manual cleanups by @fridim in #58
- Add lifecycle_events log table by @fridim in #61
- Add metrics for lifecycle instance events by @fridim in #62
- Add locality to the lifecycle event data by @fridim in #63
- Fix OCPSandbox deletion when nothing was created by @fridim in #64
- Add the ability to specify a namespace suffix via annotations by @fridim in #65
- Make Placement deletion asynchronous by @fridim in #66
- Support ServiceAccount authentication by token by @fridim in #67
- Document how to add a shared cluster by @fridim in #68
- OcpSandbox: cleanup Role Binding of cnv-images namespace by @fridim in #69
- Add Metrics for OcpSandbox by @fridim in #70
- Fix Sandbox API scheduling of OcpSandbox by @fridim in #71
- Ignore node when metrics API doesn't work by @fridim in #72
- Add endpoint to enable shared cluster by @fridim in #73
- Filter out cluster when all nodes unschedulable by @fridim in #74
- OcpSandbox scheduling: skip masters in calculation by @fridim in #75
- Add tests and lint to PR github actions by @bbethell-1 in #77
- Update doc for creation of new sandboxes by @fridim in #59
- Implement Quota for OcpSandbox by @fridim in #79
- Add condition for virt and add rolebinding for hcp by @agonzalezrh in #78
- OcpSandbox: Implement limit range by @fridim in #81
- Add secret to generate a token by @agonzalezrh in #82
New Contributors
- @agonzalezrh made their first contribution in #55
- @bbethell-1 made their first contribution in #77
Full Changelog: v0.3.16...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- Add dynamodb Env variable to helm chat for metrics by @fridim in #38
- admin-image: add migrations + reservations plays by @fridim in #39
- Use a regex instead of a string with multi space by @fridim in #42
- Update httplog to v2 by @fridim in #43
- Fix building image, use bulleye by @fridim in #44
- log: Use 'timestamp' as the TimeKey everywhere by @fridim in #45
- Add more info when stopping/starting instances by @fridim in #46
- Use AWS v2, add more manual cleanups by @fridim in #47
- Add manual cleanup for ECR public repository by @fridim in #48
- Run cleanup-daemon Conan in a container by @fridim in #49
- Deploy conan on OpenShift with Helm by @fridim in #50
- Add bitwarden secrets support by @jkupferer in #52
- Fix missing spec in BitwardenSyncSecrets by @jkupferer in #53
- Add MGNSourceServer by @fridim in #51
- Implement account deletion API endpoint by @fridim in #54
New Contributors
- @jkupferer made their first contribution in #52
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.16
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2