OANDAPY is a python3 wrapper for Oanda's REST API v20. This library currently implements the features released under version 3.0.1 of OANDA's REST API.
Head over to OANDA's REST API v20 docs to go through their documentation. This repository start on fork from Gustavo Ferreira and have a massive change later
This project requires:
- Python 3.4 or earlier
- git client
- virtualenvwrapper/virtualenv for local development
$ pip install oandapy
Or, you can download the source and
$ git clone [email protected]:rhenter/oandapy.git
$ cd oandapy
$ python setup.py install
- Create a account on https://www.oanda.com to get a API Access Token.
- Import the oandapy module and create an instance with your access token:
>> from oandapy import APIv20
>> from oandapy.exceptions import OandaError
>> access_token = "<OANDA Access token>"
>> oanda = APIv20(environment="practice", access_token=access_token)
>> try:
>> result = con.account.get_accounts()
>> # In case of http status 400
>> except OandaError as exc:
>> print(str(exc))
>> # Use the result as object
>> print(result.as_obj())
MyModel(accounts=[NamelessModel(tags=[], id='000-000-0000000-000')])
>> # Use the result as dict
>> print(result.as_dict())
{'accounts': [{'id': '000-000-0000000-000', 'tags': []}]}
Please send pull requests, very much appreciated.
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Create a virtualenv.
- Install requirements.
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Install pre-commit.
pre-commit install
- Make a branch off of master and commit your changes to it.
- Create a Pull Request with your contribution
- Oanda API REST-v20 is still under development, some functionality have not yet been implemented (Pricing History, Forex Labs), but I will keep an eye on it, and as soon as it gets implemented I will update this library accordingly.
- DO NOT USE THIS LIBRARY ON PRODUCTION! It is under heavy development and still lacks testing suites. It is also partially documented.
- Use this library at your own risk.
- Happy hunting on the markets!!