This library is deprecated. I suggest you to use this new library write to easily build table and handle PHPExcel :
Service for easy Excel export with PHPExcel Library
Add the following lines in your deps
file :
Now download the bundle by running the command :
./bin/vendors update
Symfony will install your bundle in vendors/bundles/Exports
Declare in the autoload.php
# app/autoload.php
'Export' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
coming soon ...
Enable the bundle in the kernel :
# app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
new Export\ExcelBundle\ExportExcelBundle(),
Because the PHPExcel library not use namespaces, create prefixes in autoload.php
# app/autoload.php
'PHPExcel' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles/Export/ExcelBundle/Library/phpExcel/Classes',
In your configuration file :
# app/config/config.yml
export_excel: ~
Congratulations ! You have installed ExportBundle. Read the usage documentation for learn how to use the service.