A wrapper class for Telegram Bot API
create composer.json :
"require": {
"smoqadam/php-telegram-bot": "dev-master"
$ composer install
is a wrapper around Telegram bot API. After you instantiate Telegram
object, you can register callbacks on the updates you receive and then respond accordingly.
Register callbacks: Use following functions:
, all normal messagesinlineQuery()
API Methods: The available methods are almost same of official Telegram API (for now the wrapper does not natively handles games and messages update):
Getting current update:
The current update is stored in the property Telegram::result
(that is an object).
Inline Result helper:
To facilitate the creation of Inline Bot there are some helper classes under namespace InlineQuery\Result
Keyboards helper:
Also the same with keyboards; namespace is Keyboard
, classic keyboardRemove
, remove custom keyboard and show letter-keyboardInline
, inline keyboard
Use Keyboard:
Use the keyboard is pretty simple with helpers, after you instantiate keyboard (Standard
or Inline
) you use:
Note: These methods are chainable.
Using long polling:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Smoqadam\Telegram;
$tg = new Telegram('API_TOKEN');
$tg->cmd('\/name:<<[a-zA-Z]{0,}>>', function ($args) use ($tg){
$tg->sendMessage("my username is @".$args , $tg->getChatId());
$tg->cmd('\/number: <<:num>>' , function($args) use($tg){
$tg->sendMessage("your number is : ".$args , $tg->getChatId());
$tg->cmd('Hello',function () use ($tg){
$image = 'urltoqrcode.png';
Using webHooks:
If you want to use webhooks you have to first call setWebhook
method or open the following URL with your own data:
please change API_TOKEN and url parameter
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$message = file_get_contents('php://input');
use Smoqadam\Telegram;
$tg = new Telegram('API_TOKEN');
$tg->cmd('\/name:<<[a-zA-Z]{0,}>>', function ($args) use ($tg){
$tg->sendMessage("my username is @".$args , $tg->getChatId());
$tg->cmd('\/number: <<:num>>' , function($args) use($tg){
$tg->sendMessage("your number is : ".$args , $tg->getChatId());
$tg->cmd('Hello',function () use ($tg){
$image = 'urltoqrcode.png';
$tg->process(json_decode($message, true));
Now when you send /number 123
in telegram bot page , bot will answer to you your number is 123
You can set argument in regex between << and >>
$ php index.php