A simple/cheap hardware + software setup to do wardriving trips and store as much information as we can on a SD card, using a small Arduino box. Part of the datalogging code stolen from Sparkfun guys
- $2.98 ESP8266 board (NodeMCU v3 works great)
- $0.99 Arduino SD Card shield + SD card (a 10 minute trip could generate a 250KB file)
- $4.21 Blox GY-NEO6MV2 GPS board
- $3.07 HD44780 i2c LCD screen
- $1.25 USB powerbank
- Checks for a working SD Card
- Waits for GPS signal
- Collects all WiFi signals on 2.4Ghz on every (configurable) GPS sample
- Stores this information as a CSV file
- This doesn't capture pcap files due power limitations
- This doesn't attack any network
* A better/sorted insertion on CSV files to get rid of duplicate network entries Fixed on d88815b43919bbf54e27a75a84c77be891900372
- Fix some race conditions
- A PCB design that I'm working on
- A better antenna for GPS and WiFi, that will help to speed up satellite lock-up and enlarge WiFi coverage
Nothing, but you can:
- Setup CS pin for SD card module on ARDUINO_USD_CS variable
- Change log file prefix and suffix on LOG_FILE_PREFIX and LOG_FILE_SUFFIX
- Remove or add columns to CSV datalog on log_col_names
- Define GPS log rate time on LOG_RATE (milliseconds)
Electric setup has nothing special, there is a Fritzing diagram attached as well as a breadboard view of the setup
I did a small walking trip around my neighborhood, and put the collected data on a Google MyMaps. Note that MyMaps has a limitation of 2000 entries of each CSV (or XML) file. I will try using Open street maps.